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alpine strawberry (forum)

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ran starts with ...
has any one had any experience growing yates alpine stawberry?

Time: 2nd May 2010 11:39am

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About the Author roger
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Julie says...
When I grew alpine strawberries several years ago, Yates weren't selling them. I'm pretty sure I got them from Phoenix Seeds. There are several varieties, so hard to know which one they sell.

Anyway, they weren't hard to grow, and tasted pretty nice, but not as good as the wild ones I picked from under a hedge in Germany once. I grew them in pots, under shadecloth.

There used to be someone on eBay who had quite a few varieties - can't remember her name.

Time: 2nd May 2010 8:12pm

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About the Author Julie
Roleystone WA
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ran says...
at bunning they have the yates ones
Are the better than the normal kind od stawberrys?
do they need to kept in the shade until they are mature plants?
would they grow well in areas that only get a few hours of sun a day?

Time: 2nd May 2010 9:33pm

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About the Author roger
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Julie says...
Wouldn't say they were 'better', as they are a different plant altogether. Very small berries, not juicy like usual s'berries, different flavour.

They will grow with only a few hours sun (preferably morning sun). They habitually grow under hedges, even as mature plants. I've read that birds don't take the berries.

As a packet of seeds is not very expensive, why not have a go? Probably have to wait till spring to sow.

Time: 4th May 2010 12:22am

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About the Author Julie
Roleystone WA
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ran says...
the reason I want to knoe if they grew well in the shade because i have a fairly large area that dosnt get much sunlight.

Thank you for your advise

Time: 4th May 2010 7:33am

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About the Author roger
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Itdepends says...
I've got them (the Yates variety) growing under citrus (orange and lemon tree) getting limited morning sun. Growing quite well. Very fine seed- make sure you keep it moist after sowing. Very small berries but with 10x more flavour than a full sized strawberry.

Don't expect huge yields though.


Time: 4th May 2010 2:26pm

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Julie says...
Yes, you would need quite a few plants to get a good feed from them!

Time: 4th May 2010 7:26pm

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About the Author Julie
Roleystone WA
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
Some interesting yellow strawberries available from Chiltern seeds (UK) - seems most strawberries are ok with Australian quarantine.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 4th May 2010 9:46pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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Charles cant spell says...
I got a bunch for seeds off, http://stores.shop.ebay.com.au/Leaves-Of-The-Yggdrasil__W0QQ_armrsZ1
I will let you know about the viability of the seeds (or my capabilities) next summer. Heaps of great stuff from that seller, the seeds arrived fine, and look legit, but until I plant them and see what grows I will always be skeptical. :)

Time: 4th May 2010 11:27pm

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About the Author Charlesstillcantspell1
Perth Innaloo
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Itdepends says...
Hope it goes well for you- I bought some blackberry and raspberry seeds from that seller and got 0% germination (sown in two separate batches, in seed raising mix and kept moist)

Time: 5th May 2010 2:28pm

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Charles cant spell says...
O dear. Well lets hope I have more luck, I swear its mostly luck with seeds that size. I am tempted to use soil free but maybe I will try both mediums when the time comes.

Time: 5th May 2010 5:08pm

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About the Author Charlesstillcantspell1
Perth Innaloo
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ran says...
recently some birds decided it would be fun to dig around in my tray of very small strawberry seedling only have a few seedling left now. o well time to start again. seeds are only cheap anyway
im tempted to buy some strawberry seeds of ebay.
i purcased some passionfruit seeds of there and some seeds came up some seeds didnt.
do you think that the raspberry and blackberry seeds were just duds?

Time: 5th May 2010 5:42pm

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About the Author roger
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Charles cant spell says...
I have only planted some strawberry seeds before, none came up, they where an old packet. And not for Ebay, I think there are a lot of factors but if you have already got some strawbs to germinate I imagine you should be able to do others.

As for who is selling good seeds, maybe if you can establish who is actually growing seed and saving new seed that might give you a better idea of seed age/viability. A lot of the seed is bulk imported from overseas and can be old, offloaded internationally on the cheap as its crap.

Time: 6th May 2010 10:06am

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About the Author Charlesstillcantspell1
Perth Innaloo
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ran says...
my strawberrys came up fine in about 2 weeks i just put them on top of potting mix and lightly covered them with more potting mix they also got water alot.

Time: 6th May 2010 7:59pm

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About the Author roger
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Dennis says...
Does anyone have experience with the yellow strawberries in the photo?

Time: 14th June 2010 4:07pm

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Vicki says...
Yes, I am growing yates alpine strawberries at the moment. I have eight plants from seed. The hardest part is germinating them. I repot when big enough to handle into small seedling pots with azaela mix as this is acid. I then repot as they get larger. i am at this stage now. I am now also getting ready to repot some ali baba variety. I am trying other varieties as well but have not got to germination stage yet. Fingers crossed.

Time: 20th March 2012 10:00am

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About the Author Vicki
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snottiegobble says...
I grew white strawberries in Vic. but havent seen them here. They were small, tasted rather like fejois, & being white didnt attract the blackbirds. Anyone know their name? Also I thought I was smart by pinching a piece of Indian strawberry plant from Albury Botanic Gardens once. It spread through my garden like wildfire by both runners & the tasteless red fruit! The blackbirds thought differently & so I left the legacy of never ending strawberry groundcover to the new owner!

Time: 20th March 2012 2:34pm

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About the Author snottiegobble
Bunno &amp; Busso ( smack in the middle)
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Mysterio says...
in the middle of winter my little alpine strawberry plant is pumping out little strawberries in full shade. its not a substantial yield but they are really tasty.

Good to graze on and the 3 yr old likes hunting for them.

Time: 19th July 2015 1:19pm

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About the Author Mysterio
Inner West Sydney
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gardener says...
I have bought some seeds in this store, heaven't started yet it is still mid winter, but maybe I try on the window sill? Anyway they have an amazing variety!

Time: 22nd July 2015 4:57pm

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About the Author loewenzahn
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Berry farmer says...
I am trialling alpine strawberries (alpenberries) commercially. I do not recommend the Yates seeds, or starting from seed at all. If you really want to grow them, buy healthy crowns from a supplier (monbulk in victoria have several). They like filtered light and lots of pine needles and not much water. Don't fuss too much and keep ALL butterflies and moths away - keep your plants screened with fine bird netting. They grow best on the edge of pine woodland and need space to grow properly.

Time: 3rd February 2017 9:50am

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About the Author Berry farmer
Wildes Meadow
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loewenzahn says...
I sell alpine strawberry plants and I got the seeds from strawberry seed store. The seeds are good, however, they take a long time and without a watering system it might be difficult. Otherwise it is easy to grow from seed, only patience is needed. I use them in the garden as nice groundcovers and the slugs can't get easily into them. The birds leave most of them alone.

Time: 5th February 2017 2:58pm

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About the Author loewenzahn
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