Desert Lime: Grows well In Subtropics (forum)
3 responses
sternus1 starts with ...
Some pictures of my desert lime. Not an attractive plant by an stretch, but I can confirm it will survive the humidity of Brisbane. I have had mine for a few weeks now, and it has started putting on new growth. Potted up in a mixture of sand, pearlite and premium potting mix with a little bit of wetting agent mixed through. Watered heavily, though the soil has very good drainage. Not a seedling however, grafted--not sure what rootstock it is one, but I do know it isn't trifolate. Slightly behind pace with grafted fingerlimes potted up at the same time.
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Time: 19th December 2013 12:18pm
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About the Author sternus1
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gimme says...
Does your tree put out many water shoots sternus? Where I work they had about 30 trees that were definitely on tri and needed Constant suckering. The company's website says they grow it on citrange which could be a number of different stock. Anyway I reckon the trees look really cool,when they are bigger, I haven't tasted the fruit myself.
Time: 19th December 2013 3:00pm
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About the Author gimme
Brisbane, Qld
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sternus1 says...
Yeah, it definitely suckers below the graft, but these aren't much trouble to get rid of, they kind of just pop off. I've only had to do this once, but as soon as I did I got new foliage emerging above-graft and from the uppermost stems.
I bought mine from a company called aussicitrus. This was my second purchase from them, I bought a purple finger lime variety from them also which is doing well. I probably wouldn't go back for another finger lime as another company (aussiefingerlimesinternational) I bought from sent more developed trees at a cheaper price. They also carry pretty much every variety you can think of, and do wholsesale too I believe.
Time: 19th December 2013 4:19pm
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About the Author sternus1
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Linton says...
Desert Lime fruiting in pot!
Been growing this Citrus glauca plant in a pot for a few years and every year it flowered profusely but never set fruit. Finally it's made some fruit which are like small berries with a thin skin so you can just pop them in your mouth and eat them whole. Before I do this, I just need to know how to tell if they are ripe and if the taste is good or not. If they are supposed to be sour I won't know if they are ripe or not when I eat them.
So I hope they're gonna be ok to eat because the Australian Desert Lime tree is very hardy in Melbourne's hot conditions and can fruit in pot. Not like most other trees I have that got burned in the heat over the last few days, especially the jabs which don't like it too hot or they will burn and all the fruit that was on them got cooked as well. So Jabs are not the best tree to grow in Melbourne but there is no problem to grow the Desert Lime, it's in full sun too!
Thanks for listening.......
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Time: 9th January 2017 8:18pm
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