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Fertiliser for pear, peach & plum trees (forum)

9 responses

Audrey starts with ...
It is already early summer here. I mentioned earlier that my fruit trees (plums and pears) are badly attacked by pear slugs. Have killed as many as I could manually and by pyrethrum sprays but cant do very much. I intend to add some seasol fertiliser (bought yesterday) to the soil but last night a friend told me the fruits may turn out bitter! Can somebody advise if it is safe for me to do fertilising at this stage when the trees are fruiting? Pears and peaches still have half the size more to grow (the pics attached were taken at really close up). Thanks!
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Time: 22nd December 2008 7:43am

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About the Author au0rey
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John says...
The majority of nutrients are absorbed by xmas each year, after that the feeder roots are dying back slowly in readiness for winter.

So fertiles ASAP.

Time: 22nd December 2008 9:23am

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About the Author John20
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Audrey says...
Thanks! So where should i add the fertiliser? I have a picture here of the peach tree (trunk at left extreme of pic) surrounded by a big concrete ring (my finger pointing to it). Should I add fertilier inside or outside the ring? Do I need to remove all grass?
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 22nd December 2008 11:00am

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About the Author au0rey
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John says...
Generally the drip line is the spot ie
the edge of the foliage dropped vertically down to the ground marks the spot.

I put it 30cm either side of that imaginary line.

Time: 22nd December 2008 12:59pm

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About the Author John20
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Audrey says...
Thank you!

Time: 22nd December 2008 1:20pm

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About the Author au0rey
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Carrot797 says...
Should I be feeding fruit trees at this time of year? Apples, Pears, Nectarine, Plum and Peach.

Time: 9th April 2009 4:52pm

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About the Author Carrot797
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Jimmy says...
Never feed this time of year.

It makes fresh growth that is not frost hardy, or physioloically ready for dormancy ie juvenile growth.

Next feed is in spring.


Time: 9th April 2009 6:00pm

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Carrot797 says...
Hmm. Thanks. What should I be doing to fruit trees at this time of year.Spray, mulch???

Time: 15th April 2009 3:07pm

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About the Author Carrot797
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Julie says...
audrey - very late reply! NEVER let grasses grow around fruit trees. Especially citrus (as they have shallow roots), but they all benefit from cleared ground.

Time: 17th April 2009 7:42pm

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Roleystone WA
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au0rey says...
thanks julie! yeah recently tried clearing a little bit of grass and mulched around the peach, lemon and orange trees

Time: 18th April 2009 5:39pm

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