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Growing dragon fruit in pots (forum)

2 responses

Charlotte starts with ...
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a question about growing dragon fruit in pots.

I have one yellow dragon fruit plant which I brought from Daleys growing in a large pot. I also have some cuttings of a white or red fleshed dragon fruit which are growing very well in their own smaller pots. I've read that dragon fruit plants don't need very big pots to grow and because space (and materials to make supports for them to grow up) is at a premium here I was wondering if it would be an ok idea to plant one of the other dragon fruit cuttings into the main pot with my yellow dragon fruit?

Does anyone have any ideas if that would be a good or bad idea? I'm worried they'd just stunt each other...but I don't have much more room to pot up the other ones into anything big enough.

I can post a pic of my main pot and support tomorrow if that will help. It's a big pot.. maybe 60 litres at a very iffy guess? The support is a wooden cross type thing.

Any advice would help :)

Time: 7th June 2009 11:49pm

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About the Author Charlotte
#UserID: 2442
Posts: 2
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Charlotte says...
Here are the pics of the pot it's growing in :) sorry they're so small, took them on my mobile!
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Time: 8th June 2009 12:57pm

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About the Author Charlotte
#UserID: 2442
Posts: 2
View All Charlotte's Edible Fruit Trees

Michael says...
Hi Charlotte,
I don't think it would be any problem having different types of dragon fruits on the same pole. I'm trying this out myself on a large olive tree with yellow and red dragon fruits growing up the same branches. Only started this project so no fruits yet but in the meantime here's a picture of my red dragon fruit with white flesh growing in a small pot.

Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 10th June 2009 4:11pm

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About the Author Michael
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