Neighbour has poisoned my tree (forum)
3 responses
Diane10 starts with ...
Well my neighbour has poisoned my Fig (Benjamina ?) tree. He has admitted to poisoning it. But he says it was accidentaly, spray drift over a 6ft fence! He has actually poisoned the grass all the way around it about 3metre diameter, along the fence line, and another shrub. I got a tree specialist out and they said when he cut the branches of the fig, he has sprayed it with the roundup he said he used to kill it, but now wont supply a statement to say this. But the police are saying it was accidental so cant do him for wilful damage (several problems with the guy, council have finaly told him to fix the root of the problem he caused). Opinions? Will it have to be removed? They were all healthy before we left 5/12/16. 13/12/16 we got home and noticed he had pruned the fig. 26/12/16 we noticed it was starting to die. pics 1 and 2 is of the fig and grass today. Could this really have been done accidently to this extent, when he says he was just spraying the grass coming through the 6ft fence?
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Time: 28th March 2017 4:33pm
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People who Like this Answer: Diane10
Original Post was last edited: 28th March 2017 4:38pm
About the Author Diane10
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SueBee says...
Hard to prove but suspect theory of painting cut branches was true- maybe he thought it would stop them growing but not kill the kill (benefit of doubt here.). Figs grow fast so plant another away from his boundary just in case you lose it- they are hardy and it may recover depending on how much poison it collected.
Time: 29th March 2017 9:32am
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About the Author SueBee
SW Vic.
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Pademelon1 says...
Hi Diane,
Even with all you have provided, it is difficult to give an accurate opinion without being at the actual site. Having said that, whilst it is possible it was accidental, to me it looks like he must have been rather inept or inappropriately using the round-up for this to occur.
I'd say that the shrub is most probably a goner, but stick with the fig a while. They are tough buggers and I've known a couple that have been directly severely poisoned and have bounced back.
This is just my opinion. Hope things work out,
Time: 29th March 2017 1:12pm
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Diane10 says...
Thanks for the replys. As my husband has poisoned the long grass himself before that can be seen on the fence line, without doing any damage to the tree. I sort of thought with a now 6 foot fence there, he must have been spraying that stuff everywhere to get that amount over it to kill that much grass and the tree. My thoughts are that it is more likely that while he was up on his ladder cutting the branches off, (it is pretty clear where they were cut off) he then sprayed the cut branches and then all around the tree also. Or he was even on our property and just did it. I am concerned as I have dogs too and they could have copped that amount of overspray. The fact that there is another tree in between the Fig and the shrub that is as healthy as it has ever been, I don't think it could have been over spray at all? He has an attitude of he can do whatever he wants, as we are having other issues with him over an illegal levee he has built and we considered this obvious payback for trying to get him to fix it. The pic is of the tree in between the fig and dead shrub.
Pictures - Click to enlarge
Picture: 1
Time: 29th March 2017 5:04pm
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About the Author Diane10
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