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Tomato tree ?? (forum)

6 responses

Wayne starts with ...
Is this when a Tomato bush becomes a Tomato tree. Is a Tomato tree just an overgrown Tomato bush or is it a seperate identity, I don't know.

Time: 17th January 2010 7:11pm

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About the Author Wayne
Mackay QLD
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Brendan says...
Hi Wayne,
The Tomato Tree (or Tamarillo) looks nothing like that overgrown tomato on that web site.

What I remember about the tomato tree, it grows to ~ 2 to 3 m high, the fruit looks a bit like a tomato, but is slightly pointed on the bottom. The one I tried didn't do much for me, and you nearly had to use a chainsaw to cut it in half :-(

Some people might like 'em, but I don't. Give me a 'proper' tomato anyday.

Time: 18th January 2010 8:55am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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Charles cant spell says...
They a pretty good. Skin should not be hard. Cut them in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. My tree wont set I have a pick of the tree on my edibles page. Might even add a pic of the fruit...one day

Time: 18th January 2010 11:06am

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About the Author Charlesstillcantspell1
Perth - Innaloo
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Kath says...
I have three tamarillos growing & they are powering on. No special treatment but are in the chook yard so constantly fertilised. I mulched then netting over the mulch to stop the chooks disturbing it's roots. I find they grow like weeds, produce dozens of fruit then drop dead two years later so I try & have a newer tree on the go. If they ripen on the tree are delicious & look pretty specky sliced on pavlova-like a red kiwi fruit. The name tree tomato (it's usually called tree tomato not tomato tree) is deceiving-they are nothing like a tomato. My kiwi friends go mad for them & make jams & relishes or just eat them fresh, which is how I like them.. The leaves however stink when crushed. Good luck with yours Charles-like you, I think it's worth the wait. Maybe yours was not quite ripe Brendan as I've had no problem with tough skins but people seem to either love or hate them-often a bit tart for some.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 18th January 2010 11:56am

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About the Author KathK
Karnup W.A.
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Charles cant spell says...
So is that 12 trees kath :P
By the way what type and how big are you bananas.

Time: 18th January 2010 10:20pm

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About the Author Charlesstillcantspell1
Perth - Innaloo
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Kath says...
Hi Charles,re the bananas - I have some big (over 2 metre) unknown variety that I picked up at a market years ago & have bred & bred. Not the best for eating fresh but great frozen for smoothies & in banana cakes. Also have some new (last year) Cavendish & Lady's Fingers that are about 1-1&1/2 m high & looking good-have potted up some babies already.

Time: 19th January 2010 1:35am

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About the Author KathK
Karnup W.A.
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Brendan says...
Hi Wayne,
And then there's a thing called 'Tomatillo', which is more like a tomato then a 'Tamarillo', just to add a bit more confusion to the subject.

My experience with the Tree Tomato is, it's a "Solution to a Problem that doesn't Exist!"

Time: 21st January 2010 7:36am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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