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What is this gum tree? (forum)

2 responses

Jon starts with ...
Sorry guys, I know this isn't about fruit trees, but I thought someone here might know anyway.

There's these small weeping gum trees with white branches that I keep seeing and I'm wondering what they're called so I can find out more about them.


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Picture: 3

Time: 26th February 2009 3:47pm

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About the Author Jon
#UserID: 1780
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View All Jon's Edible Fruit Trees

Phil. says...
It looks very much like eucalyptus caesia, the Silver Princess or gungurru from WA. Easy to grow, you can find it at most nurseries.

Time: 26th February 2009 4:17pm

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Woodend, Vic
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Jon says...
Aha, thank-you very much. I'll be looking out for the caesia as it's a bit smaller it seems.

Time: 26th February 2009 6:00pm

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About the Author Jon
#UserID: 1780
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