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NeatGifts's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Davao City, Philippines

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

NeatGifts Forum Contributions
Dying avocado tree - I don't agree with forcing yourself to eat foods that you don't like. At the same time I don't agree with not attempting to eat foods you are not accustom to. I always say, "try it, you might like it" but The only people I have ever head suggest goin..4491 days 18hrs
Dying avocado tree - Okay Mike, I will defer to you on the technical aspects of this but as far as the American taste in general I think that I know our taste in most things better. Some people will eat anything but in general there are some things my countrymen just won't e..4492 days 11hrs
Dying avocado tree - Sorry the last picture didn't upload. I'm not sure Mike if that is the exact same caterpillar in the picture that I found on our tree a few times but it just about whipped it out once. I picked 8 caterpillars off before they could eat the whole tree. Th..4492 days 18hrs
Dying avocado tree - I don't know. This picture doesn't seem to want to upload. I'm trying again...4492 days 18hrs
Dying avocado tree - It is a very interesting place. Adjusting isn't easy at all. I am not at all excited about the soil but the weeds love it. I have to pay someone to clear the property every month if I don't spray an herbicide. Here is a picture of the local avocado. I ..4492 days 18hrs

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