Fruit Trees
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Plants that we have too many of and that will soon outgrow their pot size so need to be sold fast
Plants that we have too many of and that will soon outgrow their pot size so need to be sold fastUse these promo codes to get special offers when placing a new orderMuscadine Grapes Now AvailablePapayaA Rare Investment OpportunityCitrus BannerFruit Tree PacksPitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree NurseryAll Positive and Negative Reviews
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June 2006

The Daley News


KathWelcome to winter, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you all to some new aspects on our web site.  We now have a Specials page that is devoted to bringing you great deals on over stocked lines.  It can be found on our shop page in bright red letters.   Another fantastic aspect of our web site is the space for you the fruit enthusiast to give us all your feedback.  Over the last few months we have been thoroughly enjoying the comments we are receiving from people all over the world who have experienced growing fruit and nuts.  We would like to thank all of you who have sent us a comment and encourage those of you who haven't to try it out.  Comments can be found on the bottom of the relevant fruit page.  Have a look at the persimmon and quince page for some lovely fruity examples.

 I would love to hear from from anyone out there who has successfully grown fruit and nuts out of their normal range. If you have a mango in Melbourne, a cherry in Cairns an abiu in Adelaide, a soursop in Sydney or a walnut in the Whitsundays, I want to know.  Inundate me with emails telling how you have managed it and I will bring the results of your successes in the next newsletter.

Fruit Tree of the Month

Santol - Sandoricum koetjape

Santol fruitNative to Asia the Santol is a large fast growing and attractive tree.  In their native setting they can grow to around 45 m with a large buttressed trunk and branches low to the ground.  In cultivation they are more commonly seen as a 15 m specimen tree.  In Asia the santol is valued not only for its fruits but it is also grown as a timber and shade tree, although the timber is not of high quality it does polish well.  There are two main types  of santol, the red and the yellow however the distinctions between the two are not always clear.  The leaflets of the red variety are velvety underneath, they turn red when they are old before falling and the fruits have a thick rind with sour flesh surrounding the seeds. The yellow variety has thinner rind, sweeter flesh and the old leaflets turn yellow before falling.  However there are great variations in the thickness of the rind and there are sweet and acid strains of both the red and yellow varieties. 
The fruits are large, round and rough on the outside with a thick textured yellowish skin.  The flesh is segmented around the 3-5 seeds, they are called lolly fruits as the flesh sticks firmly to the seeds and it is best removed and enjoyed by sucking the seeds clean.  Do not be tempted to swallow the seeds. 


Landscape Design and Sustainable Agriculture

Do you need help designing and implementing your property development and maintenance plans? Dan Hamilton and Associates is a new landscape design, implementation and management business servicing the Northern Rivers area.
 With over 15 years of experience in subtropical gardening and farming Dan is able to offer an extensive range of services in landscape design and sustainable agriculture, specializing in soil demineralization, heat composting and on-site and on-the-job training in sustainable land management practices for land owners and property maintenance workers. 
 In the last few years Dan has been helping to design and implement permaculture plans for rural and urban properties including a 1 acre mixed fruit orchard, as well as a 3 acre rainforest restoration planting (see photos). He has also coordinated the establishment of two community gardens; a certified organic 7 acre small crops farm in Tabulam in 1994 and then the Island Quarry Organic Market Garden in Byron Bay in 2004. 
 The range of services offered by Dan include; on-site consultation, soil sampling, testing & analysis, organic fertilizer application, green manure and cover crops, small crop and herb production, orchard design, tree planting, water management, herb and vegetable gardens, integrated pest management, weed control techniques, companion planting, windbreaks, funding applications and business plans. 
 Dan has also developed a network of associates with specialist land management skills. The services offered by the associates include; engineering and project management, general building and construction, blacksmithing, rainforest restoration, bush regeneration, plantation design and management, camphor laurel control, retaining wall construction, composting toilets, creative paving and brick/block laying.
For further information phone Dan on 66216113 or email

 Discovering Fruit and Nuts

A Comprehensive Guide to the Cultivation, Uses and Health benefits of over 300 Food Producing Plants by Susanna Lyle

There is nothing I like more than sitting down with a really good book and getting lost in it, when Greg showed me this new publication I not only bought it immediately but I  disappeared with it for hours and then returned raving about it.   This is a fascinating book that has something for everyone, not only are the plants described in their growth habit and cultivation requirements, there is varietal information, nutritional and medicinal benefits.  Propagation techniques are described, pruning and training are outlined and there is an excellent section on dealing with pests and diseases.  A table of plants for different garden situations at the back of the book is an extremely handy reference, including recommendations for windy and maritime situations.  The book is set out as an A-Z guide to over 300 temperate, sub tropical fruit and nut trees, there are stunning colour images through out.  Some native Australian bush foods are covered as are some more unusual entries like the sugar maple,  citron, miracle fruit, tea and sea grape.    This is an excellent reference for everyone who is interested in growing and harvesting fruit and nuts. (Buy now)


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