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Grow your own Babaco Carica pentagona


Carica pentagona


Buy Babaco

Fleshy-stemmed plant bearing large fruit with a tangy flavour and pleasant juice.

Herbaceous plant with a fleshy stem. A close relative of the pawpaw.

FEATURES: Fruit matures from Spring onwards. Bright yellow when ripe.

CONDITIONS: Best in a mild, fairly humid climatBabaco Carica pentagonae. Only tolerates light frosts. Needs a free draining soil enriched with organic matter high in phosphate. Plant in a position protected from wind and preferably shaded from the hot afternoon sun.

FOR BEST RESULTS: Apply a high-phosphorous fertiliser and water frequently butKeep water and fertilisers away from the stem. Mulch well. After fruit harvest prune main stern back to 20cm high. Select a new shoot to become the replacement stem, remove all others.


• eat the fruit fresh in a fruit salad

• use the juice for delicious drinks

• the whole fruit, including skin, can be cooked or made into Jam.