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Camellia sinensis Tea syn Camellia thea

Camellia Sinensis Tea

syn. Camellia thea


Buy Camellia

Evergreen shrub to tree whose leaves are used to make tea.

FEATURES: Small 2.5cm across white, occasionally pink, cupped flowers with a mass of yellow stamens. Leaves variable in size from around 1 Q-22cm long. The small growing tip leaves are used to make tea. ShruB to tall tree in sub/tropical climate but often grown as a low hedge of restricted in size by freqlient tip pruning.

CONDITIONS: Will. grow well in moist, free draining, fertile acid soils. PrCamellia sinensis syn Camellia thea TEAefers a generous watering regime during growth.

FOR BEST RESULTS: Enrich soil with well rotted compost and retain moisture with a good thick mulch. When being harvested for tea the shoots and 2-3 top leaves are narvested every 8-1 Q days.


• commercial production CJ of green and black teas follow a series of processes on freshly picked young leaves.

• ornamental evergreen hedge