Fruit Salad or Swiss Cheese Plant
Monstera Deliciosa
Buy Fruit Salad or Swiss Cheese Plant
Ornamental foliaged evergreen root climber suitable for warm sub/tropical climates outdoors. Excellent indoor or conservatory plant.
FEATURES: Wonderful large leaves of 40-90cm long with deeply cleft margins and decorative holes. The flower spathe is creamy white or green and followed by a tall fruit which is scented and patterned like a pineapple, in warm sites. Plants rarely reach' more than 2-3m in a container, usually smaller.
CONDITIONS: Requires moist free draining potting media in semi-shade. Protect from cold.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Plant outdoors in warm climates or where protected by warm brick walls.Often grown indoors in containers. Peel fruit carefully to avoid minute spikes.
• feature indoors in decorative container
• tropical theme garden
• shade house plant