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Fruit Salad or Swiss Cheese Plant Monstera deliciosa

Fruit Salad or Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera Deliciosa

Buy Fruit Salad or Swiss Cheese Plant

Ornamental foliaged evergreen root climber suitable for warm sub/tropical climates outdoors. Excellent indoor or conservatory plant.

FEATURES: Wonderful large leaves of 40-90cm long with deeply cleft margins and decorative holes. The flower spathe is creamy white or green and followed by a tall fruit which is scented and patterned like a pineapple, in warm sites. Plants rarely reach' more than 2-3m in a container, usually smaller.Monstera deliciosa Fruit Salas or Swiss Cheese Plant

CONDITIONS: Requires moist free draining potting media in semi-shade. Protect from cold.

FOR BEST RESULTS: Plant outdoors in warm climates or where protected by warm brick walls.Often grown indoors in containers. Peel fruit carefully to avoid minute spikes.


• feature indoors in decorative container

• tropical theme garden

• shade house plant