Eriobotrya japonica
Evergreen tree, 2-6m tall depending on variety, native of China and Japan.
FEATURES: Clusters of soft, juicy, sweetly flavoured, yellow to orange coloured fruit. Fruit shape, stone size and number depends on variety. Harvest when flesh softens and fruit develops a fragrant aroma.
CONDITIONS: Suits most soil types. Prefers fertile, moist, well drained soil in a warm position . with full to partial sun. Tolerant of light to moderate frosts and dry periods.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Protect from strong winds. Water well during Summer. Fertilise during the growing period. Prune after harvest removing dead and diseased branches.
• great for small gardens in decorative tubs and containers
• eat fruit fresh from the tree or use in salads
• make jam, jelly, juice or liqueur
• Seedling