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Pepino Solanum muricatum


Solanum muricatum

Buy Pepino

Subtropical fruit similar to a rock-melon appearing on young plants. Sweet eating.

FEATURES: Small bush rarely above 1 m tall similar to a capsicum. Many mauve flowers become fruit on young 1-1.5 y. o. plants. Yellow fruit stripped purple mid-late autumn in Melbourne and 2-3 months earlier in warmer states. Flavour is like a juicy rock melon. Only pick fragrant, slightly soft fruit which are ripe.

CONDITIONS: Peopino Solanum muricatum FeaturesSuited to fertile moist soils in full sun. Best in warm climates generally above 5"C but will tolerate light frosts. Feed soil in spring with manure and 200g of low nitrogen NPK per plant. A light dusting with lime appreciated. Mulch well and water regularly by deep soaking over warm months. Plant in warm protected sites.

FOR BEST RESULTS: Support plants on trellis so large fruit are off the ground. Protect from frost. Replace plants every 2-3 years. Handle fruit with care to avoid bruising.


• Pepino Gold

• Wayfarer Special DEI Camino

• Naragold