Aerial view of Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery in November 2021

(1/5) Aerial view of Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery in November 2021

ABC Gardening Australia on TV Episode about Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

(2/5) ABC Gardening Australia on TV Episode about Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery By ABC Gardening Australia [All Rights Reserved] (Photo Credits)

The Story of Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

(3/5) The Story of Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Dispatch staff at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery 2021

(4/5) Dispatch staff at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery 2021

Fruit Trees in Australia

(5/5) Fruit Trees in Australia


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Fruit Trees have been our fruitful joy since 1980 when we first started selling them at our local markets. Since then we have successfully mail ordered Fruit Trees along with many other Plants. Australia is a country where people want to make their own little RainForest or Nut Tree Plantation. Growing your own Fruit Trees to make your own backyard Edible is a common passion of many Australians and Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery has made it our passion to make this a reality for you.

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$17.75 ($14.90-$49.00 choose a size)

The Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a small leafy tree that grows throughout India and bears an edible fruit. Amla oil is extracted from its seeds and pulp. The amla fruit is often referred to as the "Indian Gooseberry" because of its edible, very tart taste. The pectin content makes it ideal for jam and chutneys. The tree begins to yield fruit from the third year onwards and the productivity levels are good. Amla oil is prepared from dried amla berries, which have been soaked in coconut oil for several days. This oil is one of the world's oldest natural hair conditioners. These trees are semi deciduous in the winter and spring, and may lose some leaves in transport as a stress response. This is quite normal and the plant will recover well.
Buy 2+ @$17.75ea usually:$24.00ea


$24.00 ($12.90-$59.00 choose a size)

The jaboticabas habit of producing the fruit directly on the trunk makes this a striking tree. Fruit is similar to a grape with a sweet and aromatic flavour. The new growth is a coppery colour along with their beautiful honey scented flowers makes it a very ornamental tree. Bears heavy crops of quality fruit that can be eaten fresh from the tree. Often fruiting up to 3 times per year. Time from flowering to fruit being ready to eat is only 30 days. More Information: California Rare Fruit Growers Association.
Buy 1+ @$24.00ea usually:$29.00ea


$39.00 ($19.75-$59.00 choose a size)

A cousin of the mangosteen, Achachas are tangy and refreshing with a delicate subtle sweetness, a fine balance between sweetness and acidity, producing an unusual taste sensation. Fruit should be picked mature as it does not ripen further on storage. Originating from the Bolivian part of the Amazon basin in South America, the Bolivian name of the fruit is Achachairu and translated means honey kiss. Achacha is protected by Plant Breeders Right (PBR) and cannot be grown or propagated without licence agreement with Achacha Fruit Group
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Pandanus - Edible

$29.00 ($24.90-$49.00 choose a size)

Widely cultivated for use in Asian cooking and basket making. It has a nutty fragrance and is most commonly used in rice dishes or tied in a bundle and cooked with food. Also useful in flower arrangements. A low growing plant to 1m with long narrow blade like leaves and woody aerial roots. In tropical climates it can be grown as a marginal plant in dams and ponds, used as a bedding plant in tropical landscaping. Outside of the tropics, well worth trying as indoor plant in winter with a warm, sunny aspect. Allow the plant to dry out over the winter months.
Buy 1+ @$29.00ea usually:$37.00ea

Muscadine Grape - Adonis

$19.75 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

Large ripe fruits (20-25mm) are golden bronze in colour, sweet and juicy with a delicious and distinctive fruity flavour. Highly disease resistant and should not require spraying making them ideal for coastal climates and the subtropics. This variety is owned by FAVGRO. The purchaser agrees that propagation of the vines for sale, without authorisation from the breeder is prohibited. They are vigorous vines and should not be planted where they can escape into native bushland, as they would quickly smother trees and shrubs around them.
Aramex Free Freight

Dwarf Mulberry - Red Shahtoot

$49.00 ($49.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Much more compact in growth habit than the King White Shahtoot. These delicious sweet fruits can reach 10cm in length. Ideal for back yards and we consider it a must have fruit tree for the back yard. The best way to eat mulberries is fresh from the tree. If some should make it to the kitchen bench they make excellent pies, jams, wines and sauces. Multiple crops are possible by pruning directly after your first crop. Suitable for most regions of Australia, although it can be susceptible to damage from late frosts. The red shahtoot is ideal for growing in pots and containers due to it small growing habit and it is ideal for school gardens as it does not produce fruits that stain and the sweet fruits are very appealing to children. This variety is best suited to warm subtropical climates and does not perform well in temperate climate where it tends to drop their fruit.

Lilly Pilly - Broad-leaved

$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Cutting grown selection of the tasty and attractive Blue Lilly Pilly fruit. The delicate fruit is aromatic with a sweetish slightly gingery or turpentine flavour. Fruit is a distinctive blue colour.
Aramex Free Freight

Acerola - Florida Sweet

$29.00 ($14.90-$29.00 choose a size)

This bright red cherry like fruit has varying tastes during different stages as it ripens. When fully ripe the fruit is juicy and aromatic with its acid content giving it a sweet acid apple-like flavour. The tree can produce a number or crops each year, making for quite a long harvest season. Our selection is called the acerola Florida Sweet Cherry and is a pleasant eating variety that is not too sour. The acerola is well suited to pot culture where it can be kept to a smaller size. It could also be grown this way in cooler climates where it can be moved to a warmer position in the winter. A word of warning the foliage of the plant is covered in tiny irritating stinging hairs that can produce an allergic reaction. When pruning your trees wear a long sleeved shirt and a pair of gloves.
Buy 1+ @$29.00ea usually:$34.00ea

Muscadine Grape - Noble

$19.75 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

Most popular red muscadine grape for wine or juice production. It is self-fertile. Yields and disease resistance are high, and berry ripening is fairly uniform. Flavour is less musky than most muscadine grapes. Excellent fresh eating or good for wine making. Exclusive to Daleys this is a recently released Florida variety. They are vigorous vines and should not be planted where they can escape into native bushland, as they would quickly smother trees and shrubs around them.
Aramex Free Freight

Dwarf Coffee - Catuai

$19.75 ($19.75-$49.00 choose a size)

A dwarf coffee selection suitable for handpicking. Makes an ideal choice for growing in a pot as an ornamental. Prolific cropper of quality roasting beans. An internationally important cultivar due to its compact size for efficient picking and crop protection. A mid season producer of quality beans. The lineage of this cultivar is Mundo Novo x Caturra and it was released in Brazil in the 70s. For good production plant in rich free draining soil in full sun to part shade location with regular watering. Coffee fruits can also be eaten.

Macadamia Bush Nut

$12.75 ($12.75-$19.75 choose a size)

This was the first Australian native food plant to be grown by non-indigenous Australians as a commercial crop. Genetic diversity of this valuable nut species has been reduced significantly through land clearing. Very hardy and easily grown along most of Australia's east coast and even down into Victoria.
Buy 2+ @$12.75ea usually:$18.75ea Aramex Free Freight

Curry Tree

$17.90 ($17.90-$54.00 choose a size)

Fresh leaves from this tree are an indispensable ingredient in Indian cooking. The leaves are pretty much unknown in the West because they lose most of their flavour when dried. They have a distinct, spicy curry-like flavour and odour.Warning: The seeds are poisonous and should not be eaten
Buy 2+ @$17.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Palm - Dwarf Acai

$49.00 ($49.00-$69.00 choose a size)

Late variety with large elongated fruit with dwarfing characteristics. Trees fruit at under 5m. Acai (pronounced Assa-ee) have brightly coloured skin of purple and red. The flesh is smooth and almost fibreless. Very sweet and good quality, high in calcium and iron. Produces well and is fairly consistent. High in anthocyanin compounds and reputed to be a highly nutritious fruit. Best for tropical areas.

Tea Tree - Lemon Scented

$4.90 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A small tree with fine, green, lemon scented foliage used for teas and abundant white flowers in early summer, attracting Native and European bees. Excellent screen, windbreak and hedge, responds to pruning beautifully . Leaves and stems contain essential oils used in candle and soap making.
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Yuzu - Grafted


Native to China, the Yuzu has been used and cultivated in this region for thousands of years. The fruit is tart, resembling a grapefruit with mandarin overtones. It is rarely eaten as a fresh fruit but is used to makes sauces, preserves and a popular yuzu vinegar. In Korea thinly sliced fruits are combined with sugar and honey to make a thick marmalade like syrup. Yuzu kosho is a spicy Japanese sauce made from green or ripe yellow yuzu zest, chillis and salt. The yuzu is more cold tolerant than most other citrus, being able to tolerate to -5 degrees
Buy 1+ @$39.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Feijoa - Mammoth

$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A large, round to oval fruit with a slightly wrinkled thick skin. Very good flavour and quality, moderately soft and juicy, moderately smooth. Self-fertile but bears larger fruit with cross-pollination. Mid-late season.


$18.75 ($18.75-$19.75 choose a size)

Shrub native to Asia produces small, orange-yellow flowers followed by fruits, 1cm in diameter produced in in open, branched clusters. The soft, fibrous flesh is greenish-white stained with purplish-red near the skin. The flavour is pleasantly acid, somewhat grape-like. The fruits are eaten fresh as dessert, are made into syrup, and extensively employed in the manufacture of soft drinks. After fruiting prune to keep to an attractive shrub to 2mts high.Phalsa during transit may drop some leaves. It is a hardy plant and with acclimatisation in its new location it will respond well and bounce back. It can take 3 weeks for plants to recover from transit stress.
Aramex Free Freight

Dwarf Jaboticaba - Costada

$29.00 ($29.00-$39.00 choose a size)

A beautiful, ornamental tree that produces tasty, sweet fruit. Extremely rare. Is known to fruit in two years in the tropics and perfect for pots. Growing in temperate areas is experimental.

Dwarf Mulberry - Black

$34.00 ($34.00-$99.00 choose a size)

This mulberry has a very low chill factor making it ideal for our subtropical climate. Pruning after fruiting allows it to be kept under 3mtrs, and also encourages multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. A benefit of a mulberry tree is that the fruit ripens over an extended period of time unlike other fruit that often ripens all at once. The fruits of the black mulberry, considered the tastiest and most versatile of the mulberries are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. The fruit of the dwarf black mulberry is the same as that on the large black mulberry that we all know and love. The fruit is large, resembling a blackberry, sweet and luscious. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video )This variety performs excellent in the Subtropics. There has been feedback that this variety doesn't perform as well in Temperate Climates.

Davidson Plum NSW

$19.90 ($4.90-$24.75 choose a size)

An outstanding small tree that prefers warm conditions and some shade. The sour purple fruits have bright red flesh that makes excellent jam. Davidsonia jerseyana is the southern form, it fruits in the summer months and is generally a smaller plant than the northern Davidsonia pruriens. The fruit form on the trunk of the tree and it is striking in full fruit.
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Wax Jambu - Pink

$49.00 ($29.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Fast growing tree, attractive pink pear shaped fruit that are crunchy and refreshing on a hot summers day. Grows and crops well here in the subtropics as long as they are protected from frosts when young. They generally don't have seeds but may on rare occasions, depending on pollination.

Midyim - Copper Tops

$14.90 ($14.90-$19.90 choose a size)

A hardy spreading shrub with arching branches of green foliage and coppery new growth. It has masses of fluffy white flowers in late spring and early summer. The edible grey-white berries are delicious and are produced in autumn. At its best in a full sun to part shade spot, in moist but well drained soil. A tough plant that can withstand harsher conditions. responds well to pruning, which will encourage denser growth.
Buy 4+ @$14.90ea usually:$18.75ea Aramex Free Freight

Papaya - Yellow H13

$14.75 ($2.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Yellow Fleshed Papaya. Vigorous and heavy cropping selection. Yellows purportedly do better in cooler climates than red varieties. Still with that great tropical papaya flavour. Partner with lime juice for a zesty refreshing snack. Dioecious variety- Male and Female Flowers on different plants. Plant multiple Papayas for fruit set in dioecious varieties.
Buy 2+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.75ea

Pepper - Black

$29.00 ($29.00-$29.00 choose a size)

Cultivated for the fruit which is dried and used as a spice and seasoning. The fruits are dark red when fully ripe. Immature fruits can be picked as green pepper, black pepper is the fruit dried with the skin on and white pepper is the dried seed only. Black pepper is the worlds most widely traded spice.
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Golden penda

$2.90 ($2.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A highly ornamental tree, native to Nth Qld Rainforests. Beautiful yellow flowers with prominent anthers occuring in winter. Its glossy green leaves makes it an ideal landscape specimen as far south as Sydney.
Buy 4+ @$2.90ea usually:$4.90ea

Avocado - Secondo (A) ®

$59.00 ($59.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Superior flavour, with smooth, creamy flesh and pear-shaped, green-skinned, fruits that are textured like hass. A vigorous variety that commences fruiting in its 2nd year. Self pollinating. H Jul - Dec This is a local selection with Hass and Sharwill as parents that was selected by Daleys and is proving an excellent backyard variety as well as being our nursery favourite.

Lilly Pilly - Coolamon

$12.75 ($2.95-$18.75 choose a size)

A rainforest tree which is a threatened species in the wild. Plant in rich soil with adequate moisture. Attractive red-pink flowers with large white edible fruit formed on the trunk and branches called cauliflorous fruit development. The fruit has the freshness of Granny Smith apples with a somewhat dry texture. Likes to grow in riverine and gully like conditions in low altitude locations. The Coolamon reaches up to 25 - 40m with a 60cm trunk, acts as an excellent riparian zone rehabilitator
Buy 2+ @$12.75ea usually:$18.75ea Aramex Free Freight

Jaboticaba Large Leaf

$29.00 ($17.75-$29.00 choose a size)

Ornamental evergreen tree from Brazil grown for unusual sweet black fruit which cover the inside trunks. Crops several times per year. Flowering to fruit maturity only takes about 1 month. Larger fruit than small leaf selection, but skin a little tougher.
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Casuarina - Cousin It

$12.90 ($12.90-$19.90 choose a size)

A prostrate cultivar of Casuarina glauca. Unique, strange, fun and nitrogen fixing! This popular plant has a character all of its own, with fine 'hairy' strands of evergreen cascading foliage. Use as a ground cover or feature plant in rockeries, where it will spread to 1m across but only 10 - 20cm high. Low maintenance, competes well with weeds.
Buy 4+ @$12.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Feijoa - Large Oval

$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Large Oval - A sweet fruit and as the name suggests of oval shape and good size. Good quality. Self-fertile but will produce heavier crops when cross-pollinated.

Getting Started growing Fruit Trees

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Fruit Trees > Dwarf Fruit Trees

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Herbs and Spice Plants

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Fruit Trees > Berries Vines and Climbers > Grape

Vitis vinifera
On a hot summers day the fresh taste of grapes picked from your own vines can't be surpassed. Grown since antiquity, they are well known and loved and come in a large range of varieties. White grapes range in colour from pale yellow-green to light green, and black grapes from light red to purple-black. Grapes are categorized by their uses, either as a table grape or wine grape. Wine grapes have high acidity and are therefore too tart for general eating, but some, for example, Chambourcin are sweet if left to ripen well on the vine. The grapes listed below are suited to a wide range of climatic conditions. Those with disease resistance are good for humid, coastal conditions and others are suited to warm temperate and inland, more arid areas. Fruit can be eaten fresh, frozen for a cool icy snack on a summers day or dried for later use. It's not just their fruit that is delicious and nutritious, but their leaves as well. Blanch them in hot water and wrap them around a rice and herb filling for a delicious snack or platter filler.
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