The flavour of the arils of this variety is something else. Gulosha azerbaijani produces medium to large sized, slightly elongated fruit with a pinkish hue, but the internal arils surrounding the seed are deep red, large and very juicy.
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Most popular red muscadine grape for wine or juice production. It is self-fertile. Yields and disease resistance are high, and berry ripening is fairly uniform. Flavour is less musky than most muscadine grapes. Excellent fresh eating or good for wine making. Exclusive to Daleys this is a recently released Florida variety. They are vigorous vines and should not be planted where they can escape into native bushland, as they would quickly smother trees and shrubs around them.
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A smooth textured, juicy fruit of excellent quality. Fruit is large flat shaped. One of the best Astringent varieties, has to be fully ripe to eat. Vigorous grower.
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Graham Richards kindly gave us this low chill Pluot Plum to trial from his low chill breeding program. First fruiting this season, excellent flavour and texture. A Pluot is a cross between an Apricot and Plum- however more Plum characteristics are present. The Black Adder has Purplish- black skin with an amber flesh turning a deeper colour when very ripe. Pluots normally require cross pollination to set fruit. Try cross pollinating with another Pluot or a Japanese Plum variety- like a Mariposa. We are currently assesing its ability to self pollinate and will update our growing advice with those results. Ensure adequate sunlight, free draining fertile soil for maximum yields and healthy productive trees. Being low chill, it will produce fruit where winters are mild but may still not thrive in areas with hot summers. Protection may be beneficial.
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Minnie Royal cherry is showing good promise as a low chill producer of fruit with a stand out flavour. It is a medium to large size red cherry with a firm texture Fruiting can be as early as November. The tree is very productive and has been known to set heavy crops in southern California. Chill hours can be as low as 200 hours.
Buy 1+ @$59.00ea usually:$79.00ea Pick Up Only Pick Up Options
This golden plum is firm with excellent flavour & texture and a small seed. 350 hours chill. This dwarf plum is an ideal backyard variety and perfect for pots. An excellent all-round variety with the added bonus that it doesn't seem to be attractive to fruit fly as much as other stonefruit. Partially self pollinating but benefits from pollination with Gulf Ruby. Attractive in spring when it is smothered in white blossoms.
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A medium sized orange-red, Astringent variety, very sweet, keeps well. A rounded fruit with a point. Ripening during Autumn. Use nets to protect fruit from birds.
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A fast growing tree that produces small raisin like fruit stalks which can be eaten fresh, cooked or dried. The Raisin Tree is deciduous and can grow to a height of 21m but in the open is more commonly around 9m with a single trunk and a rounded head. They have handsome, large, glossy green, cordate leaves which can hang from the stem. The flowers are small but are clustered together in great masses and are cream in colour.
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This mulberry has a very low chill factor making it ideal for our subtropical climate. Pruning after fruiting allows it to be kept under 3mtrs, and also encourages multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. A benefit of a mulberry tree is that the fruit ripens over an extended period of time unlike other fruit that often ripens all at once. The fruits of the black mulberry, considered the tastiest and most versatile of the mulberries are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. The fruit of the dwarf black mulberry is the same as that on the large black mulberry that we all know and love. The fruit is large, resembling a blackberry, sweet and luscious. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video )This variety performs excellent in the Subtropics. There has been feedback that this variety doesn't perform as well in Temperate Climates.
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Fuyu is a semi-dwarf variety, well suited to growing in small backyards and can be kept to 2m with pruning. The fruit is large and flat, orange-red in colour with a sweet, mild flavour. Great eaten crunchy but just luscious when left to go soft. Besides producing delicious fruit, Persimmons are highly ornamental with their beautiful autumn foliage. Non astringent, so can be eaten when still hard. When young, protect from hot afternoon sun, and when dormant, from wet conditions. Seedless when grown on their own. If cross pollinating with another variety they can have seeds in the flesh as shown in the display picture.
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Widely cultivated for use in Asian cooking and basket making. It has a nutty fragrance and is most commonly used in rice dishes or tied in a bundle and cooked with food. Also useful in flower arrangements. A low growing plant to 1m with long narrow blade like leaves and woody aerial roots. In tropical climates it can be grown as a marginal plant in dams and ponds, used as a bedding plant in tropical landscaping. Outside of the tropics, well worth trying as indoor plant in winter with a warm, sunny aspect. Allow the plant to dry out over the winter months.
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The divided fruit segments can be consumed raw or as in India, eaten with spices. They are pleasantly subacid with good flavour. The flesh is usually sucked off the seeds as the pulp clings firmly to them. Take care not to swallow the slippery seeds. By removing the seeds it makes a tasty jam or jelly. There are two forms of the Santol the red and the yellow, both have large round textured yellow fruit with a very thick velvety skin. The tree itself is very elegant in appearance with large lime to deep green leaves and offering occasional contrasting red leaves. In its native setting it is a large tree that will buttress with age, it has low growing branches and makes an excellent street or shade tree. Young plants are frost sensitive and will require protection from cold, however once established they can handle a light brief frost.
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A large, deep purple-red fruit. Flesh is deep crimson in colour, very sweet, juicy and of a delicious vinous flavour. Seeds not very hard. Good for juicing and eating out of hand. Plant is vigorous and productive. Best commercial variety in California.
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This grafted selection flowers early. The large, bell-shaped flowers are usually deep pink and occur in clusters at the ends of the branches. The flowers are very spectacular and are followed by seed capsules which contain many large seeds.
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Our most versatile pot size, 750mL volume, 90mm bottomless square pot, in a convenient 12 pack with a plastic holder tray.
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Hanging baskets with coir liners for small pants or hanging vines. Perfect for Strawberries, Native Violets, Ruby Saltbush, Hoya, Jade vine, Richmond Birdwing, etc.
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Unique gourd shaped fruit. Sweet, juicy and crunchy with a thin skin. Self pollinating. Named for the 'Hulu' gourd of China which sounds similar for the word for happiness and wealth
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A cherry plum cross with attractive smooth red skin. The flesh is golden-yellow in colour and very juicy when mature. Firm texture with a small seed. The flavour is excellent and well balanced between the plum and cherry parentage. Pollination is currently under evaluation but it will cross well with mid to season plums such as the mariposa, santa rosa or satsuma.
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Attractive colour and medium to good quality. Regular, moderate cropper. Good resistance to Anthracnose, susceptible to Black Spot. Popular commercial variety 460gms.
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Underneath the Mamey's leathery coarse brown skin is a brilliantly coloured, sweet and creamy flesh. The salmon-pink flesh has an exotic flavour similar to sweet pumpkin pie with spice. Unripe fruits can be cooked as a vegetable.
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A universal pollinator. Thin shelled nuts harvested late Feb/March Used fresh, and for roasting and cooking, Hazelnuts are very high in protein. Semi erect growing tree to approx 4 5m. Prefers temperate climates.
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High yielding female tree, pair with a male for pollination. Grows to be a small tree or shrub. Best suited to areas with cold winters and hot dry summers, requiring 1000 hours below 7.5 degrees in the winter. Summer and autumn need to be dry to prevent fungal problems. Pistachios are dioecious meaning male and females flowers are produced on separate trees, one of each will be required for fruit set. Spreading habit, wider than it is tall. Pistachios tend toward biennial cropping, meaning they alternately bear lots of nuts one year, then very little the following year
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The large conical fruits are deep orange and very sweet when fully ripe. Very similar to the Nightingale persimmon.
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A deep-orange flesh that is very sweet and juicy when ripe. A conical large shape. Very high quality flesh that is most often seedless. Compact growing. Astringent
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Pomelo Persimmon is a prolific bearer of large to extra large, deep orange fruit, which are very sweet when fully ripe. Like all astringent persimmons they need to be completely soft before eating, at which time they have a luscious, jelly like consistency. This variety is a strong, hardy tree with good vigour. Persimmons are known for their beautiful autumn foliage too, when the leaves turn a brilliant orange colour.
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Kwai Muk produces a 5cm wide orange fruit that is subacid and excellent flavour. It can be eaten fresh when fully ripe, dried, or preserved. The tree grows slowly and good for landscaping. More cold hardy than the Jakfruit.
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