Apple 3 way - Gala Pink Lady Red Fuji


Multigraft trees are an alternative for small gardens where space is limited and several types of fruit are desired. Suitable cultivars for cross pollination have been grafted on to the one tree. Gala is Early to mid-season. Red Fuji, Mid- to late season and Pink Lady is a late season variety.

Dwarf Orange - Valencia Seedless


This seedless orange is a bud sport of the Valencia, maturing a little earlier, its a heavy cropper and good juicing variety. Attractive compact tree. The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Kumquat - Meiwa


A round, brightly coloured, sweet citrus fruit that can be eaten straight from the tree. Both the skin and the flesh are very sweet and low in seed. Semi dormant in winter lending it cold hardiness.Hybrid of Nagami and Marumi, to which it is most similar. A naturally small tree.

Pomegranate - Wonderful

$39.00 ($19.75-$99.00 choose a size)

A large, deep purple-red fruit. Flesh is deep crimson in colour, very sweet, juicy and of a delicious vinous flavour. Seeds not very hard. Good for juicing and eating out of hand. Plant is vigorous and productive. Best commercial variety in California.

Mango - R2E2

$64.00 ($17.90-$89.00 choose a size)

One of the largest and most attractive fruits with good, sweet flavour. High flesh to seed ratio with very slight fibre. Susceptible to Black Spot and Anthracnose. It has proven to be a consistent cropper over a range of climates. Vigorous growth habit. wt 675gms. It can be purchased as a more expensive grafted variety which will fruit earlier and have a known cultivar or cheaper seedling plants which are more hardy than the grafted selection and these seedling plants although they take longer to fruit and establish.
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