

$24.00 ($4.90-$59.00 choose a size)

The jaboticabas habit of producing the fruit directly on the trunk makes this a striking tree. Fruit is similar to a grape with a sweet and aromatic flavour. The new growth is a coppery colour along with their beautiful honey scented flowers makes it a very ornamental tree. Bears heavy crops of quality fruit that can be eaten fresh from the tree. Often fruiting up to 3 times per year. Time from flowering to fruit being ready to eat is only 30 days. More Information: California Rare Fruit Growers Association.
Buy 1+ @$24.00ea usually:$29.00ea

Neem Tree


Often called the Wonder Tree, the neem has been used for centuries in Asia as an insecticide and for medicinal purposes. The natural insecticide azadirachatin can be extracted from the seeds of the neem tree. Frost sensitive. Weed warning: in Dry Tropics Neem tree regenerates easily and can be a weed problem. They can also self seed in subtropical regions.

Passionfruit - Sweet Granadilla

$27.00 ($19.75-$27.00 choose a size)

Regarded as the best tasting passionfruit in the world. The hard-shelled orange-yellow fruit is of excellent quality and has a white aromatic pulp. Production begins in 2 to 3 years. The vine is easily recognised by its heart shaped leaves. Prefers sheltered conditions. Frost tender when young.
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Drumstick Tree ( Moringa )

$26.90 ($19.75-$49.00 choose a size)

Also known as the Horseradish tree or Tree of Life. Possibly one of the most useful trees in the world, it produces long green pods that have been compared to a cross between peanuts and asparagus. The peeled roots are used as a substitute for horseradish and the edible leaves make a highly nutritious vegetable. Claims are made that its tiny leaves contains 7 times the Vit C of oranges, 4 times the Vit A of Carrots, 4 times the Calcium of milk, 3 times the Potassium of Bananas, and 2 times the protein of yogurt. The roots have also been documented as useful in many folk remedies. It originates in India and has spread in popularity to many parts of Asia, Central and South America, Africa and the Pacific. In Africa it has been also called the Miracle Tree with so many uses. This tree has delicate foliage and attractive pale yellow flowers. The slender, semi -deciduous, perennial tree, to about 10 m tall with drooping branches. Best kept pruned under 2mts as its the leaves that is what is best used in cooking. Thrives in subtropical and tropical climates, flowering and fruiting freely and continuously. Grows best on a dry sandy soil. Makes an ideal shade tree with high drought resistance. In temperate climates it may be beneficial to grow in pots for the first year or 2 when the tuberous root system can establish in a warmer position with sun on the pot. When larger they can be planted out, but still expect some dying back over winter as normal. Feed for best results, growers report good results from periodic fertilisation with good quality fertiliser, foliar sprays of seasol and the periodic application of Epsom salts if your soil requires. (Source: Nutritive Value of Indian Foods, by C. Gopalan) PLEASE NOTE: The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back


$19.75 ($19.75-$19.75 choose a size)

A supply of fresh berries in early spring when there is few other fruits available is very welcomed. The fruit looks like a large blackberry and has a flavour between that and a raspberry. A strong trellis is needed for support. Very vigorous. Weed Warning: This very desirable and heavy fruiting berry is a very vigorous grower. It can be easily maintained in a garden situation by mowing around the production area to keep down the runners, however if neglected and abandoned the runners will gradually spread through a large area and can be difficult to regain the balance. Grown commercially in NZ for years this beauty is capable of bearing almost all year round in warmer climates.
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