Cherry - Starkrimson

$49.00 ($49.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Firm, large, crimson red, heart shaped fruit with an excellent sweet flavour. Precocious, heavy bearing and self pollinating. An excellent choice for the home orchard. Used for fresh fruit, jam and preserving. Mid- to late season maturity. Suitable for small to medium gardens.

Cherry - Stella

$59.00 ($49.00-$59.00 choose a size)

A large sweet red to dark red cherry. Stella is an excellent choice for backyards as it is compact, growing to about 4 x 4m. Mid - late season maturity. High chill, requires cold winters for satisfactory fruiting

Dwarf Apple - Pink Lady

$39.00 ($39.00-$46.95 choose a size)

An Australian selection named for the attractive pink blush over a yellow undertone. The true pink coloring, crisp crunch and smooth texture assure the ultimate in dessert quality eating apples. Performs best in cooler regions. Cross pollination required with another compatible variety such as Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Red Fuji or Gala.

Grass Tree

$29.00 ($4.90-$34.00 choose a size)

A stunning and unusual Australian native plant, the Grass Tree develops a black trunk with bright green foliage above. Grass Trees are a great asset to any garden giving a bold feature. Plant in a sunny well-drained position and do not disturb the original root-ball. They are very slow growing, on average approx 1cm per year.

Palm - Date Medjool

$35.95 ($19.75-$35.95 choose a size)

Seedling of the well known Californian Medjool variety. Beautiful ornamental tree with the added advantage of delicious dates. They require both a Male and female plant for pollination and fruit set along with hot dry summers. Our palms can not be chosen as male or female. The only way to know this is after they flower. You can then identify by the flowers to know if you have a male tree or a female tree. They will take about 4-6 years to flower. We recommend a planting of at least three to increase your chances of having both a male and a female palm.
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