Fig Black Genoa

$29.00 ($19.75-$99.00 choose a size)

A large fruit with purple skin and red flesh that has a very sweet rich flavour. Grown commercially due to its high yields it is also a popular selection for home gardeners. Also known as San Piero abroad.

BARGAIN - Shop Only

$0.50 ($0.50-$149.00 choose a size)

Pepino - Kendall Gold

$19.90 ($18.75-$19.90 choose a size)

Small bush rarely above 1 m tall with yellow fruit stripped purple up to 10cm. Flavour is like a juicy rock melon. Only pick fragrant, slightly soft fruit which are ripe.

Tree Fern


This is a beautiful and hardy native Australian tree fern which is adaptable to many sites provided it has adequate moisture levels. It is fast growing with large lacy fronds and a slender trunk that is adorned with a pattern of oval scars where the old leaf bases are shed cleanly. It makes a very attractive garden plant where it will prefer a frost free moist position.
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