A compact upright tree. It is self fertile and produces good crops of creamy fleshed, pebbly skinned fruit. Perfect for smaller backyards. It has some frost tolerance for short periods of time however frost free is best to ensure trees are not damaged by the cold. It is best to cross pollinate with another variety such as Bacon, Fuerte or shepard. Having your own supply of avocadoes is a great for keeping your meals healthy and saving you dollars on groceries. They require free draining soil and full to part sun. Beautiful trees especially when they are loaded with fruits. You can leave avocadoes hanging on the tree for long periods of time and they will ripen once picked. Store unripe avocadoes in your fridge and pull a couple out when you need them to ripen on the bench. They are one of the best fruit trees you can plant. Be sure to check out all our youtube videos on how to grow avocadoes and look at the common issues gardeners can have with them. Free draining soil or growing on a raised mound is the best place to start with growing your own Avocado. They will quickly let you know if they aren't happy, so do all that you can to keep these trees from being water logged and they will reward you with bounties of beautiful fruit.