Jakfruit - Brinsmead Special

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Latex free Jakfruit selected by Bob Brinsmead from Tropical Fruit World. Crisp orange fleshed variety. Crops well in Subtropics

Green Sapote

$79.00 ($79.00-$99.00 choose a size)

A close relative of the Mamey Sapote but more compact and cold hardy. The green fruit turns to gold when ripe and has a much superior, sweeter flavour to the Mamey. Seeds can be roasted and eaten. Good drainage is essential.

Wampee - Yeem Pay

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Grafted elongated, large yellow skinned variety. Heavy cropping and very sweet. It is also a highly valued backyard tree in southern China. The fruits are highly aromatic and have a sweet tangy flavour.


$39.00 ($29.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A smooth, brilliant yellow fruit with sweet translucent flesh. It has delicious flavour reminiscent of creme caramel and a texture that is extremely smooth and luscious. The fruit is considered a delicacy for those who can grow it successfully, and it thrives in warm subtropical and tropical conditions.It is native to South America and can be found growing wild throughout much of Amazonia. In Brazil the pulp from the plant is used medicinally, to relieve coughs and bronchitis. Of course, most people love the fruit's flavour, which is enhanced when eaten slightly chilled. Cut in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon and enjoy. It can be used to flavour ice cream and make other desserts.

Dwarf Mulberry - Red Shahtoot

$49.00 ($19.75-$99.00 choose a size)

Much more compact in growth habit than the King White Shahtoot. These delicious sweet fruits can reach 10cm in length. Ideal for back yards and we consider it a must have fruit tree for the back yard. The best way to eat mulberries is fresh from the tree. If some should make it to the kitchen bench they make excellent pies, jams, wines and sauces. Multiple crops are possible by pruning directly after your first crop. Suitable for most regions of Australia, although it can be susceptible to damage from late frosts. The red shahtoot is ideal for growing in pots and containers due to it small growing habit and it is ideal for school gardens as it does not produce fruits that stain and the sweet fruits are very appealing to children. This variety is best suited to warm subtropical climates and does not perform well in temperate climate where it tends to drop their fruit.
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