Dwarf Apricot - Moorpark


A well recommended cultivar. One of the most popular home garden apricots because of its rich flavour. Excellent for fresh fruit, jam, drying, stewing and juice. Mid- to late season maturity.

Dwarf Apple - Red Fuji

$49.00 ($49.00-$49.00 choose a size)

The aromatic flesh of the red fuji is tinged with a delicate honey-pineapple flavour, sweet and aromatic. The crisp, crunchy flesh is very juicy and the fruits hold well on the tree. The skin ripens from greenish yellow to a dull russett red. Partially Self pollinating, pollinates with the red delicious, and pink lady. Fuji will perform in both cold and warmer temperate climates.

Mandarin - Nules (Clementine)

$39.00 ($39.00-$39.00 choose a size)

Most popular Clementine mandarin grown, early, good size and vigorous tree. Seedless when grown by itself. Easy to Peel, sweet flavour.

Orange - Tarocco Blood Orange

$39.00 ($39.00-$44.00 choose a size)

Medium-large to large blood orange variety of the Ippolito strain of Tarocco, with few to no seeds. Has the highest Vitamin C content than any other orange. One of the major blood orange varieties of the world. The distinctive colour is a natural mutation and is due to the presence of anthocyanin, the same plant compound that is responsible for the colour of pomegranates and is particularly high in the Ippolito strain. The distinctive colour requires chilly winter nights to develop properly, coupled with sunny days

Nashi Pear - Chojuro

$39.00 ($39.00-$42.95 choose a size)

Medium sized round fruit, with texture of an Apple, flesh is crisp and white, and has a nice flavour. Russetted brown skin. Low chill variety suitable for more temperate climates. Suggested pollinators Nijisseiki (20th Century) and Williams.
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