North American Paw Paw

$99.00 ($79.00-$99.00 choose a size)

The pawpaw is the only temperate member of the Annonaceae family. The highly aromatic, climacteric fruit (meaning it can ripen off the tree) has a ripe taste that resembles a creamy mixture of banana, mango, and pineapple It is a small, deciduous tree that may attain 5 to 10 m in height. In the forest understorey, trees often exist in clumps or thickets. This may result from root suckering or seedlings developing from fruits that dropped to the ground from an original seedling tree. In sunny locations, trees typically assume a pyramidal habit, straight trunk and lush, dark green, long, drooping leaves that turn gold and brown in colour during the fall. Flowers emerge before leaves in mid spring. The blossoms occur singly on previous year's wood and may reach up to 5 cm in diameter. Flowers are strongly protogynous, self-incompatible and require cross pollination although some trees may be self-compatible it is a good idea to plant two or more trees for cross pollination. Fruits are typically 3 to 15 cm long, 3 to 10 cm wide and weigh from 200 to 400 g. They may be borne singly or in clusters which resemble the "hands" of a banana plant (Musa spp.). Shelf-life of a tree-ripened fruit stored at room temperature is 2 to 3 days. With refrigeration, fruit can be held up to 3 weeks while maintaining good eating quality. Within the fruit, there are two rows of large, brown, bean shaped, laterally compressed seeds that may be up to 3 cm long.

Dwarf Custard Apple - Tropic Sun

$69.00 ($69.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A small free fruiting tree suitable for home gardens. Ripe fruit has sweet creamy textured pulp with fewer seeds. Pick as mature firm fruit and ripen at room temperature. Plant in sunny well drained position protected from hot dry winds. Keep free from frosty areas. High humidity during flowering promotes fruit set. Mulch tree and prune tree in Spring to open vase shape. Fertilize well after fruit set with organic fertilizer. Regular watering commencing at flowering to harvest is important. The Tropic Sun custard apple tree is best suited to warm tropical and sub-tropical regions along Australia's eastern seaboard (e.g. from the Atherton Tablelands in far north Queensland down to Alstonville in northern New South Wales)The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
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Dwarf Apricot - Bulida


Bulida is a well known and popular Apricot that produces large golden orange fruit. The fruit is firm and very sweet and juicy. Grows to a height of 2m and a width of 2m. Fruits mature early to mid December. Self pollinating. Medium chill makes this a variety that can be grown in most temperate regions of Australia. Plant in a well drained and well worked soil. Take care to plant the bud union above the soil level. Water in well and keep soil moist until tree is established. Fertilise when planting and again after new growth appears. Prune tree when planting to encourage new growth.

Mango - Glenn


Sweet, juicy flavoured Mango with no fibre. It has moderate resistance to Anthracnose and very good resistance to Bacterial Black Spot. An excellent early variety. Ideal for home backyards because they sun ripen to perfection and produce a full flavour that commercially produced varieties just can't match.

Dwarf Mango - Palmer

$59.00 ($59.00-$89.00 choose a size)

Promising late variety with large elongated fruit. Brightly coloured skin coloured with purple and red. The flesh is smooth and almost fibreless. Very sweet and good quality. Produces well and is fairly consistent. Semi Dwarf growing to about 1/2 the size of a Bowen Mango
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