Avocado - Bacon (B)

$54.00 ($54.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Upright vigorous avocado producing pear shaped fruit of medium quality. It is regarded as the most cold hardy variety, sometimes surviving down to -5degC. It does require care to bring this subtropical tree through winter. Worth trying in urban Victoria or South Australia. H March - May

Fig - Brown Turkey

$39.00 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

A brown skinned medium to large fig with copper-coloured skin and whitish to pink pulp. Very good quality with few seeds. A prolific bearer and popular commercial variety.

Dwarf Avocado - Lamb Hass (A)

$59.00 ($59.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Larger and rounder than most other avocado varieties. It has a very dark, almost black skin that only gets darker as it ripens. The flesh is a pale green colour with a creamier consistency than the more common Hass and it has a slightly nutty and creamy taste. It has a medium-sized seed. Lamb Hass is a smaller tree that bears more fruit and it matures later in the season than regular Hass avocados. The symmetrical fruit has pebbly skin with green flecks. This variety has Plant Breeder Rights over it.

Fig Black Genoa

$29.00 ($19.75-$99.00 choose a size)

A large fruit with purple skin and red flesh that has a very sweet rich flavour. Grown commercially due to its high yields it is also a popular selection for home gardeners. Also known as San Piero abroad.

Nectarine - Sunwright


A yellow-fleshed nectarine to 150 hours chill. A semi -clingstone, oval fruit, small to medium size with attractive colour, (80 - 90% blush), slightly soft flesh, good flavour. Very early fruiting. Thin fruit to get good fruit size.
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