Mango - Nam doc mai

$54.00 ($54.00-$69.00 choose a size)

Thai-type mango with green-yellow skin, sweet, tender and juicy with an excellent flavour. Regular cropper in cooler climates.It is elongated and tapers to a long point. They contain little acid and are fibreless. Susceptible to Anthracnose, resistant to Black Spot. Size 375gms. It is esteemed by Asian cultures as a pickled fruit, or as one eaten green or ripe.

Mango - Bowen Seedling

$27.00 ($17.75-$49.00 choose a size)

Most common variety grown with excellent quality fruit. Bowens are naturally polyembryonic hence are virtually true to type from seed. Cropping takes 3-4years, with identical fruit quality to grafted trees.

Fig - Brown Turkey

$39.00 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

A brown skinned medium to large fig with copper-coloured skin and whitish to pink pulp. Very good quality with few seeds. A prolific bearer and popular commercial variety.

Grapefruit - Rio Red


The Rio Red has less colour than Star Ruby and the colour of fruit on individual trees can vary considerably. Needs to be harvested soon after maturity.

Avocado - Hass Seedling

$24.75 ($19.75-$24.75 choose a size)

Seedling avocado selected from the Hass Variety. It will not grow true to type but a good choice if you wish to establish a strong growing tree. Try cincturing to force early cropping. more vigorous than a grafted variety
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