Jujube - Li

$124.00 ($119.00-$139.00 choose a size)

Large and round in shape. The texture is crisp and fresh fruit have an excellent flavour. Fruit can be picked at the yellow/green stage however the best flavour is obtained when half the fruit has turned reddish brown. Mature fruits are 40-60mm in diameter. Early - Mid season ripening (Feb-April) Self fertile

Mulberry - Black English

$69.00 ($49.00-$69.00 choose a size)

Large quantities of good sized, sweet, black mulberries are produce in late spring. The tree is a large spreading deciduous shade tree with an attractive form. Well suited to colder climates.

Longan - Kohala (Marcot)

$59.00 ($59.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Large fruit with an aromatic sweet to spicy taste. Early season heavy cropping variety. Closely related to Lychees, Longans are highly valued in South east Asia. They are hardier and quicker growing.


$39.00 ($19.75-$129.00 choose a size)

A cousin of the mangosteen, Achachas are tangy and refreshing with a delicate subtle sweetness, a fine balance between sweetness and acidity, producing an unusual taste sensation. Fruit should be picked mature as it does not ripen further on storage. Originating from the Bolivian part of the Amazon basin in South America, the Bolivian name of the fruit is Achachairu and translated means honey kiss. Achacha is protected by Plant Breeders Right (PBR) and cannot be grown or propagated without licence agreement with Achacha Fruit Group
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Dwarf Cider Apple - Improved Foxwhelp

$49.00 ($49.00-$49.00 choose a size)

An English Cider apple, pollinates with Yarlington Mill. Produces a bittersharp juice. Red skinned with a stripe.
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