Spicezee - Nectarine x Plum


The first true Necta-Plum released by Zaiger hybrids. Very sweet, with a indescribably rich taste and aroma, fully ripe fruit is unparalleled in flavour. A nectarine cross plum with an excellent blend of flavour between the sweet nectarine and the tanginess of the plum. It is a gorgeous tree, with deep red leaves in the spring that gradually become a dark green by mid-summer. Relatively Low chill 300

Peachcot Ora A


Early maturing, firm dark orange skin and flesh, with very good flavour. Resistant to bacterial black spot. Botanically a peach but has apricot characteristics. Low chill and can be grown successfully in subtropics
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Pomegranate - Azerbaijani

$39.00 ($24.00-$99.00 choose a size)

The flavour of the arils of this variety is something else. Gulosha azerbaijani produces medium to large sized, slightly elongated fruit with a pinkish hue, but the internal arils surrounding the seed are deep red, large and very juicy.

Mandarin - Okitsu wase (Satsuma)


Seedless, good flavour, sweet with a low acid flesh. Satsumas are cold hardy and form a compact growing tree. They are the earliest mandarins in the marketplace and can be eaten when the skin is still green. Which can beat the birds and possums

Pomegranate - Rosavaya

$39.00 ($19.75-$49.00 choose a size)

A winner on flavour, even if not the most elegant fruit. Galusha Rosavaya fruit tends to be slightly elongated, pink and angular - but the arils are large and the flavour is exceptional.
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