Jujube - Li

$124.00 ($119.00-$139.00 choose a size)

Large and round in shape. The texture is crisp and fresh fruit have an excellent flavour. Fruit can be picked at the yellow/green stage however the best flavour is obtained when half the fruit has turned reddish brown. Mature fruits are 40-60mm in diameter. Early - Mid season ripening (Feb-April) Self fertile

Jujube - Chico

$124.00 ($109.00-$139.00 choose a size)

Compact and bushy, perfect for pots with round fruit flattened on the bottom. Look similar to a small apple. Pick when the whole fruit (or at least 80%) has just turned brownish red. Texture is crisp and light we consider it an excellent fresh or dried variety. Fruit size 35-45mm. Developed at the Chico institute in California, this is an early fruiting variety. (Jan - March) Cross pollinate for best results.

Jujube - Sherwood

$124.90 ($124.90-$149.00 choose a size)

The Sherwood jujube is considered to be one of the largest and best flavored jujubes, with fruit growing up to 5cm. The Sherwood is a thornless jujube tree producing very dense growth with a columnar, upright tree shape. Late season variety. Cross pollinate for best results.

Pistachio - Blue Male

$89.00 ($79.00-$89.00 choose a size)

Male pistachio, pollinator for Females. Blue will come into production earlier than other males. One male will pollinate up to 15 females.

Pistachio - Kerman Female


The female Kerman Pistachio is popular in commercial production and has good flavour with a nice green colour to the kernal. Pistachio trees are best suited to areas with cold winters and hot dry summers, requiring 1000 hours below 7.5 degrees in the winter. Summer and autumn need to be dry to prevent fungal problems. Pistachios are dioecious meaning male and females flowers are produced on separate trees, one of each will be required for fruit set. Spreading habit, wider than it is tall. Pistachios tend toward biennial cropping, meaning they alternately bear lots of nuts one year, then very little the following year
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