Avocado - Hass (A)

$54.00 ($54.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Most popular variety due to both its superior taste and excellent keeping qualities. Medium sized, pear-shaped fruit has an excellent creamy, flesh. The leathery rough dark-purple skin turns to black when ripe. H Aug-Dec. Hass is an A type variety and for good fruit set a B type variety is needed for cross pollination. Suggested varieties to grow alongside a Hass are Shepard, Sharwill, Fuerte, Bacon (if you're in a cooler climate)and Linda. Happy fresh avocado smashing.

Avocado - Bacon (B)

$54.00 ($54.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Upright vigorous avocado producing pear shaped fruit of medium quality. It is regarded as the most cold hardy variety, sometimes surviving down to -5degC. It does require care to bring this subtropical tree through winter. Worth trying in urban Victoria or South Australia. H March - May

Lemon - Eureka

$39.00 ($39.00-$49.00 choose a size)

This lemon is probably the most widely grown lemon in the world It is a true sour lemon with a high juice and acid content. Can have some fruit most of the year. The fruit is thin-skinned and virtually seedless. An almost thornless variety makes harvesting, pruning and growing the Eureka an easy choice. It is a highly productive variety of large flavourful Lemons. The main crop will be harvested during Winter. If you like to use lemons in your Kitchen then you could juice any excess lemons and store in the freezer for later, make some preserved lemons or share with friends.

Mandarin - Okitsu wase (Satsuma)


Seedless, good flavour, sweet with a low acid flesh. Satsumas are cold hardy and form a compact growing tree. They are the earliest mandarins in the marketplace and can be eaten when the skin is still green. Which can beat the birds and possums

Maple - Sugar

$29.00 ($9.90-$29.00 choose a size)

Spectacular red, yellow or orange autumn foliage. Prefers rich moist, well-drained soil in a protected, shady position with full sun when mature. This tree is the principal source of maple sugar. Nursery stock is deciduous from April on.
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