Finger Lime - Yellow

$46.95 ($24.90-$46.95 choose a size)

The yellow finger lime has a beautiful bright yellow skin and very large juice vesicles inside. The balls of juice bubble out of the skin when the ripe fruits are cut in half. Use in chutneys, jams, marmalades, savoury sauces and refreshing drinks.

Native Raspberry - Peter's Thornless PBR

$29.00 ($27.00-$29.00 choose a size)

Take a walk along forest margins or your local creek in eastern Australia, and you will come across Native Raspberries. This cultivar however is completely Thornless, and was selected by local Peter Hardwick. Being completely thornless, it is a pleasure to pick the fruit from its scrambling branches. Berries are bright red, sweet and juicy when well watered and grown with plenty of organic matter. The canes can produce fruit in as little as 6 months and respond well to fertiliser, compost and mulch. Vigorous and scrambling to 1.5m, with a suckering habit which is easily controlled with mowing, the plant is best staked to keep the fruit off the ground and keep it tidy. The leaves of native raspberry can also be used in tea and skin care products. A tea can be made from an infusion for 15 mins from up to six shoots of fresh native raspberry leaf in a teapot. The leaf can also be used as a dried herb. The flavour of the leaf is mildly herbaceous and astringent. It mixes well with other native teas like lemon myrtle and cinnamon myrtle. Research on the leaf of native raspberry shows that it contains beneficial plant compounds like pomolic acid, euscaphic acid, gallic acid and ellagic acid. This plant has Plant Breeder Rights and is not permitted to be propagated and sold for a commercial purpose.

Black Apple

$4.90 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

The edible flesh is a rich orange and red, with a sweet and delicately aromatic flavour, reminiscent of watermelon and apple. Fruits can contain 1-4 seeds. A tall tree, up to 25m in the wild, with a fluted trunk and definite bushfood potential It is found in most types of warmer rainforest, widespread on the coast and ranges, north from the Illawarra region. This tree produces a small plum-sized fruit that is eaten by rainforest mammals, it readily falls to the ground when almost ripe

Rose Myrtle

$3.90 ($3.90-$14.90 choose a size)

This shrub has a graceful weeping habit with aromatic leaves and smothered with delicate, perfumed pink flowers. Attractive to nectar and fruit eating birds. Very hardy growing in less fertile sites, full sun and part shade.

Chinese Water Chestnut

$7.90 ($2.00-$12.90 choose a size)

This popular Asian cooking ingredient is a tropical member of the sedge family. These nutritious underground corms reaching up to 4cm in diameter have an appealing crisp nut like texture. They can be cooked as a vegetable offering a contrasting texture to many dishes or they can deliver their sweetness and juiciness prepared fresh and raw or lightly steamed or sauteed for salads Water chestnuts can be grown in a pond of a container, an old bathtub or a salvaged water tank cut in half are ideal options. Plant the corms in spring, about 5cm deep into friable soil preferably rich in organic matter and course sand. Keep the plants moist until the shoots are about 10cm tall, then fill the container up with water until it's about 10cm deep, with the tips of the leaves just showing. Leave the container flooded at that depth for about 6-7 months, then drain off the water in late autumn. Leave the soil moist but not wet for another month or so until the shoots die down, then harvest the water chestnuts. Water chestnuts will grow in most areas of Australia, but they are frost tender and require at least an 8-month frost-free growing season. A single corm is said to be able to produce 100 corms within a growing season!
Buy 4+ @$7.90ea usually:$12.90ea
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