Plum - Mariposa

$39.00 ($39.00-$39.00 choose a size)

A Japanese blood plum with dark red flesh and large fruit if thinned. The flavour is excellent, the skin glossy red and it has a egg shaped fruit. Will crop over a wide range of climates. Pollinator Satsuma


$23.90 ($19.75-$23.90 choose a size)

A supply of fresh berries in early spring when there is few other fruits available is very welcomed. The fruit looks like a large blackberry and has a flavour between that and a raspberry. A strong trellis is needed for support. Very vigorous. Weed Warning: This very desirable and heavy fruiting berry is a very vigorous grower. It can be easily maintained in a garden situation by mowing around the production area to keep down the runners, however if neglected and abandoned the runners will gradually spread through a large area and can be difficult to regain the balance. Grown commercially in NZ for years this beauty is capable of bearing almost all year round in warmer climates.

Grape - Pink Iona

$19.75 ($19.75-$19.75 choose a size)

Sweet variety with pinkish skin and high resistance to downy mildew. Very hardy and well suited to coastal conditions. Good back yard variety with no spraying needed, quality average.This is a staff favourite at Daley's Nursery.

Fig - Moreton Bay

$18.75 ($4.95-$21.90 choose a size)

This Fig can take two forms, as a magnificent, tall, spreading tree or as a strangling vine depending on where the seed lands. When the roots finally reach the ground they will start to encircle their host tree until they eventually strangle it and takes it place in the forest. The orange coloured fig turns a dark purple-red when ripe. The edible figs often appear in summer but can produce at anytime of the year and have a pleasantly fresh tart taste with numerous firm seeds. Long lived tree to 15m diameter in the open or 40m tall in a forest. Can also be grown as a Bonsai specimen.
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