Finger Lime

$19.90 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

This is a seedling selection from our grafted varieties. They have a thin skin that ranges in colour from green, yellow, red, purple to even a black. The inner cells are cylindrical balls filled with lime juice. Very hardy. The bushy thorny foliage is a perfect protective habitat for small birds to nest in addition to their fruits.

Kei Apple

$17.75 ($17.75-$18.75 choose a size)

Native to southwest Africa, the Kei apple forms a very drought hardy and salt tolerant shrub or small tree. With its large thorns this dense shrub makes a perfect security fence. The plum sized golden fruit is aromatic. Very sweet and tastes very similar to an apricot but with a much higher juice content. They are an excellent plant to encourage bees as both honey bees and native bees love the flowers. Male and female trees are needed for pollination in order to set fruit if planting seedling trees, plant three or more to increase the chances of having both male and female trees.Weed Warning: This plant is not to be bought, sold, grown, carried or released into the environment in the Greater Sydney and North Coast regions of NSW due to the weed risk posed by this species. This is because it seeds freely and there are concerns regarding its weed potential. Consider this before planting all over Australia however do not buy this plant if forbidden in your region.
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