Jacaranda - White Grafted

$54.00 ($54.00-$99.00 choose a size)

A beautiful white flowering form of jacaranda. A spectacular choice for a street tree or large shade tree. Long lived trees that can grow to be 200 years old. Flowers appear in late spring and early summer. Grafting ensures flower will be pure white.The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back

Dwarf Macadamia

$46.95 ($14.90-$46.95 choose a size)

A dwarf Macadamia selection, growing to only about half normal size. Precocious bearer of small sized nuts. Ideal for pots or limited space.

Cinnamon Myrtle

$18.90 ($18.90-$19.90 choose a size)

The leaves have a pleasant spicy cinnamon-like aroma and flavour. The attractive flowers are creamy coloured and star shaped, produced en masse, followed by star-like capsules. The cinnamon myrtle is well suited to the home garden. The tree is adaptable to a broad range of conditions and different soil types. Cinnamon myrtle is suitable for full-sun and semi-shade situations, in open plantings or as a managed hedge. The tree is tolerant of light frosts. Leaves can be harvested as sprigs for use in cooking. Its used in savoury recipes, desserts, confectionery and herbal teas. Cinnamon myrtle can also be used in floristry.
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Small Leaf Tamarind

$19.75 ($4.90-$24.00 choose a size)

The tasty tangy fruit are a refreshing treat eaten raw or can be used in chutneys and sauces. Striking fruit from which the bright red-coated seeds emerge. We stock seedlings and cutting grown trees that fruit early. Fruits in mid summer. This small evergreen tree can be expected to reach only 5-8m in an open garden environment providing a beautiful rich green and shady, spreading crown. Also makes a excellent specimen tub plant as a young tree. The first documentation of the Small Leaf Tamarind tree was in 1891. With only approximately 30 trees left remaining in the wild of Northern NSW this endangered species is attracting quite a bit of attention both amongst bush food enthusiasts and conservationists. A beautiful and easy to manage bush food tree.
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