Black Sapote

$29.00 ($19.75-$29.00 choose a size)

Closely related to the Persimmon this attractive glossy foliaged tree produces a fruit often called the 'Chocolate Pudding Fruit'. They are best eaten when the fruit is very soft and the skin turns a dark colour Seedling selections are worth growing in cooler marginal areas. Cross Pollination is beneficial.


$34.00 ($17.75-$49.00 choose a size)

The fruit is heart-shaped with a rough green skin and soft fleshy spines. The fresh meaty flesh is juicy and slightly acid producing a rich creamy thirst quenching juice. Superb when fruit is pureed with 1/3 of vanilla ice-cream. Also known as Graviola or Guanaban. Not suitable for temperate climates. But it's more than just a sweet treat.
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Yellow Mangosteen

$37.95 ($24.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Yellow Mangosteen is a round fruit with very tart yellow segments. The high acidity makes it ideal for jams and jellies but removing the seed and skin can be time consuming. Easier to grow in the subtropics than the purple mangosteen, but the flavour is altogether different. The tree grows well in full sun and shade. It will tolerate and continue to fruit heavily in drought conditions. The tree is very attractive, with large drooping leaves and a layered form. The fruit can reach 8-10 cm in length and looks highly ornamental when in the tree. Pairs so well with a Miracle Fruit to reduce the acid flavour and bring out the interesting tropical flavours.

Golden Shower

$29.00 ($24.00-$29.00 choose a size)

This striking tree exhibits a magnificent display of pendulous racemes of clear yellow blossoms. Fern-like leaves and the tree produces long seed-pods after flowering. Needs very well drained soil, regular moisture and full sunlight.
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Jakfruit - Crisp Seedling

$29.00 ($17.90-$29.00 choose a size)

A very handsome evergreen, reaching a height of 8 - 15 metres and bearing the worlds largest fruit. Fruits can weigh up to 20kg. Crisp textured Jackfruits are best eaten fresh, they are delicious with a pineapple after taste. Non Crisp Jackfruits are best eaten dried or frozen. Seed has been selected from superior Crisp cultivars. Being seedlings they are initially more vigorous and hence more likely to establish in marginal climates. Once trees are large enough, cincture to force tree into flowering and fruiting.
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