##freshfruit #freshfruit -
##healthy #healthy -
#AromaticFoliage Aromatic Foliage - Beautifully aromatic foliage
#AsianFavourite Asian Favourite - A favourite Asian fruit
#Astringent Astringent - Only eat when fruit when completely ripe and soft or they are inedible
#AustralianHardwoodTimberTree Australian Hardwood Timber Tree - Perfect for woodlots and timber plots, the timber is used in construction
#AutumnLeafColour Autumn Leaf Colour - Beautiful leaf colour in the autumn is the highlight of thie tree
#BeeAttracting Bee Attracting - Bees are attracted to the flowers
#BirdAttracting Bird Attracting - Attracts birds to your garden
#Blueberry-NorthernHighbush Blueberry - Northern Highbush - Suited to cool temperate climates
#Blueberry-Rabbiteye Blueberry - Rabbiteye - Suited to warm temperate and subtropical climates, cross pollinate two different rabbiteye varieties for pollination
#BlueberrySouthernHighbush Blueberry Southern Highbush - Suited to warm temperate and subtropical climate
#Bon Bon -
#Bonsai Bonsai - Perfect for Bonsai
#BushFood Bush Food - Native bush food
#ButterflyAttracting Butterfly Attracting - Butterflies are attracted to the flowers or foliage
#CabinetTimberTree Cabinet Timber Tree - Perfect for woodlots and timber plots
#ChillHigh Chill High - Suited to cooler climates and areas with frosty winters
#ChillLow Chill Low - Suited to warmer areas and subtropical climates
#ClimateArid Climate Arid - Prefer a hot, dry climate
#ClimateMediterranean Climate Mediterranean - Prefers a Mediterranean climate
#ClimateSubtropical Climate Subtropical - Requires a subtropical climate
#ClimateTemperate Climate Temperate - Requires a temperate climate
#ClimateTropical Climate Tropical - Requires a tropical climae
#Climber Climber - Requires a trellis to climb over
#ColourFleshGold Colour Flesh Gold - Golden flesh
#ColourFleshGreen Colour Flesh Green - Green coloured flesh
#ColourFleshOrange Colour Flesh Orange - Orange coloured flesh
#ColourFleshPink Colour Flesh Pink - Fruit has pink flesh
#ColourFleshRed Colour Flesh Red - Red fleshed fruit
#ColourFleshYellow Colour Flesh Yellow - Yellow flesh
#ColourFlowerBlue Colour Flower Blue - Beautiful blue-purple flowers
#ColourFlowerGreen Colour Flower Green - Beautiful green flowers
#ColourFlowerPink Colour Flower Pink - Plants with pink flowers
#ColourFlowerPurple Colour Flower Purple - beautiful purple flowers
#ColourFlowerRed Colour Flower Red - Plants with red flowers
#ColourFlowerWhite Colour Flower White - Plants with white flowers
#ColourFlowerYellow Colour Flower Yellow - Beautiful yellow flowers
#ColourFruitFleshWhite Colour Fruit Flesh White - Fruit that have white flesh
#ColourFruitFleshYellow Colour Fruit Flesh Yellow - Fruits that have yellow flesh
#ColourFruitSkinBlack Colour Fruit Skin Black - Dark to black coloured skin
#ColourFruitSkinBlue Colour Fruit Skin Blue - Fruits that have blue skin
#ColourFruitSkinBrown Colour Fruit Skin Brown - Brown skinned fruit
#ColourFruitSkinGreen Colour Fruit Skin Green - Fruits have green skin
#ColourFruitSkinOrange Colour Fruit Skin Orange - Fruit with orange skin
#ColourFruitSkinRed Colour Fruit Skin Red - Red Skinned Fruit
#ColourFruitSkinYellow Colour Fruit Skin Yellow - Fruit that has yellow skin
#ColourLeafBurgundy Colour Leaf Burgundy - Burgundly coloured foliage
#ColourLeafFlush Colour Leaf Flush - Plants that produce coloured new growth
#ColourLeafMulticoloured Colour Leaf Multicoloured - Multicoloured leaves
#ColourLeafPink Colour Leaf Pink - Brightly coloured pink foliage
#ColourLeafRed Colour Leaf Red - Brightly coloured red foliage
#ColourLeafVariegated Colour Leaf Variegated - Leaves are Variegated
#ColourPurpleFlesh Colour Purple Flesh - Fruit has purple flesh
#ColourSkinBlue Colour Skin Blue - Blue Fruit
#ColourSkinPink Colour Skin Pink - Pink skinned fruit
#ColourSkinPurple Colour Skin Purple - Purple skinned fruits
#Containers Containers -
#CrispJackfruit Crisp Jackfruit - The arils when consumed fresh are firmer and easier to digest.
#CutFlowers Cut Flowers - Beautiful flowers that can be cut and used in flower arragements
#DormancyDuringSummer Dormancy During Summer - These plants die back in summer when they are generally harvested and stored for use. Replanting occurs in Autumn
#DriedFruit Dried Fruit - Perfect for making dried fruit
#DroughtTolerant Drought Tolerant - Able to thrive with limited water
#Dwarf Dwarf - A small, compact tree.
#EatChinese Eat Chinese - Essential for Chinese Cooking
#EatCooked Eat Cooked - Eat once cooked
#EatCooking Eat Cooking - Great for cooking
#EatDried Eat Dried - Perfect for drying
#EatFresh Eat Fresh - Plants that can be eaten fresh
#EatIcecream Eat Icecream - Plants can be used to flavour icecream or other desserts
#EatJam Eat Jam - Make Jams and Jellies
#EatJuice Eat Juice - Great for juicing
#EatMedicinal Eat Medicinal - Plants that can be used medicinally
#EatSmoothie Eat Smoothie - Great for blending in smoothies
#EatThai Eat Thai - Essential for Thai cooking
#EatUnripe Eat Unripe - Eat when immature and green
#EdibleAndMedicinal Edible And Medicinal - Has medicinal qualities as well as being a useful food crop.
#EdibleFlower Edible Flower - Plants with edible flowers
#EdibleFlowers Edible Flowers - The flowers are lovely when added to salads and are tasty snacks in the garden
#EdibleFruit Edible Fruit - Plants that have edible Fruit
#EdibleHedgeOrScreen Edible Hedge Or Screen - Ideal for using as a screen or hedge
#EdibleLeaves Edible Leaves - Plants with edible leaves
#EdibleRoot EdibleRoot - Plants with edible roots
#EdibleSeeds Edible Seeds - Plants with edible seeds
#ElSalvador El Salvador - Plants that come from or are very popular in the country of El Salvador
#Equador Equador - Country of Origin
#FarmTree Farm Tree - Large spreading shade tree, perfect for farms and parklands
#Feature-Thornless Feature - Thornless - A thornless selection
#Feature-Thorny Feature - Thorny - This is a thorny plant
#FleshTextureButtery Flesh Texture Buttery - Flesh has a rich buttery texture.
#FleshTextureCrisp Flesh Texture Crisp - Flesh is crisp and crunchy
#FleshTextureDry Flesh Texture Dry - Flesh is dry
#FleshTextureFirm Flesh Texture Firm - Flesh has a firm texture
#FleshTextureGritty Flesh Texture Gritty - Flesh has a gritty texture
#FleshTextureJelly Flesh Texture Jelly - Fruit has a jelly like pulp
#FleshTextureJuicy Flesh Texture Juicy - Flesh is juicy
#FleshTextureSmooth Flesh Texture Smooth - Smooth flesh
#FlowerScented Flower Scented - Fragrant Flowers
#FragrantFruit Fragrant Fruit - Fruit is aromatic
#Freshfruit Freshfruit -
#FruitPickedRipe Fruit Picked Ripe - Fruit best picked when ripe
#FruitPickedUnripe Fruit Picked Unripe - Fruit ripens off the tree
#FruitShape Fruit Shape - Round fruit
#FruitShapeCylindrical Fruit Shape Cylindrical - Cylindrical fruit
#FruitShapeHeart Fruit Shape Heart - Heart shaped fruit
#FruitShapeOblong Fruit Shape Oblong - Plants with oblong shaped fruit
#GreatForJuicing Great For Juicing - Excellent for making fresh fruit juice
#GreatForKids Great For Kids - Children will love these fruits
#GroundCover Ground Cover - Great to use as an edible ground cover or edging plant
#GrowFullSun Grow Full Sun - Full Sun position
#GrowPartSun Grow Part Sun - Grow in a part sun position
#GrowPot Grow Pot - Perfect for pots
#GrowShade Grow Shade - Grow in the shade
#Herb Herb - Aromatic herb for the kitchen garden
#HeritagePlant Heritage Plant - A traditionally grown plant in its local area
#HoneyPlant Honey Plant - Plants produce flowers loved by bees for honey making
#IndianFavourite Indian Favourite - A favourite Indian fruit
#IndoorPlant Indoor Plant - Plants that can be Grown inside
#JamPickleAndPreserve Jam Pickle And Preserve - makes delicious jam and is perfect for preserves
#KoalaFoodTree Koala Food Tree - Essential food tree for koalas
#LandscapeEspalier Landscape Espalier - Plants suitable for espalier
#LandscapeHedge Landscape Hedge - Plants suitable for hedging
#LandscapePots Landscape Pots - Plants suitable for pots
#LandscapeSpecimen Landscape Specimen - Plants suited to being specimens.
#LeavesDeciduous Leaves Deciduous - Drops if leaves for winter
#LeavesEvergreen Leaves Evergreen - Evergreen tree
#LeavesSemiDeciduous Leaves Semi Deciduous - Drops some or all of its leaves for a short period
#LunchBox Lunch Box - Perfect for lunch boxes
#Multi-graftedFruitTree Multi-grafted Fruit Tree - Has two or more varieties grafted onto the one tree
#Native Native -
#NativeRainforestPlant Native Rainforest Plant - Native to Australian Rainforests
#NonAstringent Non Astringent - Can be eaten when crisp picked straight from the tree. Unlike Astringent Fruit.
#NutrientProteinHigh Nutrient Protein High - Nuts that have a high protein content
#NutritionCarbohydrateHigh Nutrition Carbohydrate High - Plants that have carbohydrate higher than 20g/100g
#NutritionFatHigh Nutrition Fat High - Fruits or nuts that have a high fat content. Made up of 5g of fat per 100g or more.
#NutritionFatLow Nutrition Fat Low - Plants that have less than 1g/100g Fat
#NutritionHealthBenefits Nutrition Health Benefits - Plants purported to have health benefits
#NutritionProteinLow Nutrition Protein Low - Plants with protein lower than 10g/100g
#OriginAfrica Origin Africa - Originates from Africa
#OriginAsia Origin Asia - Plants that originate in Asia
#OriginSouthAmerica Origin South America - Plants that originated in South America
#OrnamentalFlower Ornamental Flower - Plants grown for ornamental flowers
#OrnamentalFruitTree Ornamental Fruit Tree - Beautiful and productive
#OrnamentalScreeningPlant Ornamental Screening Plant - Ideal for using in a screen
#OrnamentalSpecimenTree Ornamental Specimen Tree - A beautiful tree that will make a great feature plant
#PBROrTM PBR Or TM - Plant Breaders Rights or Trademark plant varieties
#PerennialHerb Perennial Herb - Leaves can be harvested throughout the year depending on your climate zone
#PerennialLeafyGreens Perennial Leafy Greens - Perennial plants where the leaves can be eaten especially in salads
#PerennialVegetables Perennial Vegetables - These are vegetables that keep producing each year and do not need to be continually replanted.
#PestControlPlant Pest Control Plant - This plant has pest control properties
#PlantNet® PlantNet® - PlantNet® branded plants
#Pollination-Dioecious Pollination - Dioecious - Plant is dioecious - male and females flowers are on separate trees, requires pollination
#Pollination-Monoecious Pollination - Monoecious - Produces both male and female flowers - self fertile
#PollinationAvocadoAType Pollination Avocado A Type - This is an A Type Avocado and grows best with a B type Avocado
#PollinationAvocadoBType Pollination Avocado B Type - B Type Avocado which goes best for pollination with a A Type Avocado grown close together.
#PollinationCrossPollinate Pollination Cross Pollinate - Requires another variety to cross pollinate with
#PollinationSelfFertile Pollination Self Fertile - Sets fruit when grown on its own
#PollinationSelfFertileButPollinationBeneficial Pollination Self Fertile But Pollination Beneficial - Will set fruit on its own but does best with cross pollination
#PropagationMaterial Propagation Material - Propagation material for keen home grafters and propagators
#ProtectYourFruit Protect Your Fruit - Useful products to protect your fruit from pests.
#RareAndUnusual Rare And Unusual - Unusual, interesting and rare
#ReligiousSignificance Religious Significance - Used in specific Jewish ceremonies
#RiparianSpecies Riparian Species - Perfect for planting along creeks and river banks
#RipenOffTree Ripen Off Tree - Fruit matures on the tree only ripens after it is picked
#RipenOnTree Ripen On Tree - Fruits is best if ripen fully on the tree
#Roast Roast -
#Rootstock Rootstock - Used as a rootstock for grafted varieties
#SaltTolerant Salt Tolerant - Grows well in saline soils
#ScentedFlowers Scented Flowers - Beautifully perfumed flowers
#ScionWood ScionWood - This is wood from a known and quality cultivator that can be grafted onto a rootstock.
#SeedLowSeedCount Seed Low Seed Count - Very few seeds
#SeedNoSeeds Seed No Seeds - No seeds in this fruit
#ShadeTree Shade Tree - Large shade tree to create beautiful cool areas in warm climates
#ShortLivedPerennial Short Lived Perennial - Plants that produce for a few years only
#SizeFlower1-2cm Size Flower 1-2cm - flowers 1-2cm
#SizeFlower10cm+ Size Flower 10cm + - Flowers larger than 10cm
#SizeFlower2-3cm Size Flower 2-3cm - Flowers 2-3cm
#SizeFlower3-5cm Size Flower 3-5cm - Flowers 3-5cm
#SizeFlower5-10cm Size Flower 5-10cm - flowers 5-10cm
#SizeFruit1-2cm Size Fruit 1-2cm - Fruit 1-2cm
#SizeFruit10-15cm Size Fruit 10 - 15cm - Fruits are 10 - 15cm
#SizeFruit10-20Cm Size Fruit 10 - 20 Cm - Fruit that is 10 - 20 cm in length
#SizeFruit2-3cm Size Fruit 2-3cm - Fruits are 2-3cm
#SizeFruit2-5cm Size Fruit 2-5cm - fruit 2-5cm
#SizeFruit20-100cm Size Fruit 20-100cm - Fruit 20 -100cm
#SizeFruit5-6cm Size Fruit 5-6cm - Fruits are 5-6cm
#SizeFruit7-10cm Size Fruit 7-10cm - fruit 7-10cm
#SizeHeight1-2m Size Height 1-2m - grows 1-2m tall
#SizeHeight10m+ Size Height 10m + - Grows over 10m
#SizeHeight2-5m Size Height 2-5m - Grows 2-5m tall
#SizeHeight5-10m Size Height 5-10m - Grow 5-10m
#SizeHeight50cm-1m Size Height 50cm - 1m - Grows 50cm - 1m tall
#SizePlantWidth1-2m Size Plant Width 1-2m - Plants that grow 1 to 2 meters wide
#SizePlantWidth1-50cm Size Plant Width 1-50cm - plant 1-50cm wide
#SizePlantWidth2-5m Size Plant Width 2-5m - Plants that grow 2-5m wide
#SizePlantWidth5-10m Size Plant Width 5-10m - plants 5-10m wide
#SizePlantWidth50-100cm Size Plant Width 50-100cm - plants 50 - 100cm wide
#SoftJackfruit Soft Jackfruit - Soft Jackfruit have a texture that is sometimes described as slimy when consumed fresh however the flavour of soft jackfruit is often more full and tasty.
#Spices Spices - Grown to add flavour or spice to dishes
#Stonefruit Stonefruit -
#Sweet Sweet - Delicious sweet fruits
#Tangy Tangy - Lovely, tangy-sour fruit
#TasteFleshMild Taste Flesh Mild - Fruit that has mild tasting flesh
#TasteFleshSour Taste Flesh Sour - Fruit that has sour tasting flesh
#TasteFleshSpicy Taste Flesh Spicy - Fruit that has spicy tasting flesh
#TasteFleshSweet Taste Flesh Sweet - Fruit that has sweet tasting flesh
#TasteFleshSweetAndTangy Taste Flesh Sweet And Tangy - Flesh is sweet and tangy
#TasteFleshTropical Taste Flesh Tropical - Plants that have tropical tasting flesh
#TasteLeafFlavouring Taste Leaf Flavouring - Leaves used to flavour food
#TasteSeedsHot Taste Seeds Hot - Seeds are hot and spicy
#Test Test -
#TraditionalMediterranean Traditional Mediterranean - Fruit and nuts native to the Mediterranean region
#TransportLeafSpots Transport Leaf Spots - The leaves develop small spots on them during transport.
#TransportLeavesDrop Transport Leaves Drop - The low light in the box causes leaves to drop
#TropicalGardenPlant Tropical Garden Plant - Create the feel of a tropical garden with these beautiful ornamental plants.
#UnderstoreyPlant Understorey Plant - Ideal for shady places under the canopy of other plants
#VerandahPotsAndPatio Verandah Pots And Patio - Will happily grow in a pot on verandahs and patios