Citrus Maintenance Schedule
Oranges x 6:Newhall, Navelina, Washington Navel, Hamlin, Pere and Valencia (in order of fruiting times allowing fruiting from May to Dec)
Grapefruit x 3: Marsh’s Seedless, Flame, Honnefs Surprise (June – Sep)
Mandarin x 6: Mihowase, Nules, Daisy, Emperor, Hickson, Honey Murcott (May- Oct)
Lemonade x 1:
Lime x 2: Tahitian x 3, Kaffir x 1
Tangelo x 1: Minneola
Height: 4-6m Width: 3m Spacing: 3-4m
Soil Conditions and Requirements: Extensive shallow root system. Good drainage or mounding required. Deep ripping and application of organic matter beneficial. Neutral soils preferred (pH 6.5 – 7.5). Ideal well draining sandy loam with 50cm+ topsoil. Trifoliata rootstock preferred for heavier soils.
Climatic Notes: Low chill requirement. Can withstand some frost however late winter/early spring frosts will damage young growth and blossoms. North to north-east aspect is preferable
Site Requirements: Sunny position. No less than 5 hours of full sun each day, the more sunlight, the more sugars accumulate in the fruit.
Planting Notes: Plant in Spring (September on). Add lime (300-400g per sq m at soils 6.5 or below) at initial point of soil cultivation. Dig over area of soil 60-90cm in diameter and at least 30cm deep. Remove grass / competition to 1-2m. Dig a hole twice the width and twice the depth of the pot. Plant into a slight mound. Plant with 1 X 10 L bucket of well composted poultry manure or compost and 500 g of blood and bone. Water tree in well and keep moist while settling in. Mulch. Take off any fruit for the first two years, as the priority is good root system development. IMPORTANT Plant the tree at the same depth as in the pot
Fertilizer: High Nitrogen requirements especially where trees are growing in infertile soils. Balanced fertiliser in winter or spring after harvest and before the spring flush. Approx 1-3 kg of manure every year (depending on chicken or cow manure) increasing by 2 kg for every year of the tree. Note that fertilisers high in Nitrogen but low in phosphorus will result in poor quality fruit therefore ensure a balanced fertiliser program.
As high nitrogen applications contribute to acidification of the soil, pH needs to be monitored and lime applied when necessary.
Maintenance: Little pruning required but check and prune for gall wasp every year. Remove old and dead wood and skirt the tree to 80cm from the ground.
Pests and Diseases: Gall wasp, scale, leaf miner, (the later two treat with white oil)
*Please note that this schedule is an example only and should not be considered accurate for all circumstances