Drumstick Tree ( Moringa )
Moringa oleifera$26.90 ($19.75-$49.00 choose a size)
When will it be in Stock?
We previously had the most to buy in Feb and Jan. With limited quantities for sale in other months. They are unlikely to be available in Aug. Remember to click above to get notified when it is available once more.
Specifications of Drumstick Tree ( Moringa )
Preferred Climate Tropical, SubtropicalLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 5-10m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes
Amount of leaves in Winter? Some Leaves (Partly Deciduous)
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 2-3 Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)
Fruiting/Harvest Months February, March, April, May, June
Transport Leaves Drop
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Customer Tips & Reviews Drumstick Tree ( Moringa )
Drumstick Tree
Use this for additional health benefits. Use Cow Manure, Blood and Bone when planting and Dynamic Lifter, water daily on hot summer days, but not too much.
Drumstick Tree ( Moringa )
One out of 2 died. Supposed to be very hardy plant. Very disappointing.
Drumstick Tree ( Moringa )
This plant is often called the miracle plant it is 100% usable. It arrived in great condition and has grown 1metre since it arrived.
Drumstick Tree
Grown as a staple crop in the SEA Tropics, pretty, and the whole plant is edible. It's hardy and easy to grow in a frost-free climate
Drumstick Tree
Why I like Drumstick Trees? Because it is such a useful versatile tree/
Drumstick Tree ( Moringa )
This is a must have tree for anyone that loves to eat out of their garden. Everything on the Moringa is edible plus a very good looking tree, can't wait for it to be fully grown
Have always loved eating this as a curry, absolutely delicious!
Removed. It grew well - even in the rich soil with the bananas, and their watering requirements. But I didn't like the taste of the leaves and it flowered too late in the season to ever form the drumsticks - as it was totally deciduous in winter here.
Very rich and healthy fruit/stick or even leaves, high in vitamin A,
This is called the miracle tree for a number of reasons , that's why I grew it .The leaves are yummy , I let mine grow too tall and I'm waiting to propagate it to get a smaller bush rather than the straggly4 m tree it is .
DERRIMUT, VIC, Australia
Growing very fast this summer 2019 (photo was taken one year ago). Already about 1m tall. All leaves drop in the winter and dies back a little bit and then bounces back stronger when the weather warms up in the late spring. First flowered late autumn l...
EASTWOOD, NSW, Australia
When it arrived we had unusually bad weather in Sydney, a heat wave of 43C which lasted for several days. The bottom branch and all the leaves were yellow when it came. I transferred it to a pot, blood and bone with some rock dust with 100% organic com...
Drumstick Tree ( Moringa )
Raised 27 out of 38 seeds in my aquaponics , the seeds were given to me by a friend kept 12 in the garden 8 as a short hedge 4 in pairs in sheltered spots will protect them over winter they are about 35 CM high at the moment.
Drumstick Tree ( Moringa )
They are growing good at Fairfield NSW. I bought mine last April 2013 from Bonnyrigg Garden and its now 1.20 m high and healthy.
Mumbai, INDIA
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
It tastes very good when cooked with daal and coconut. I have planted one tree in a pot and growing well.
Newcastle, NSW
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
The leaves from these plants taste great in chicken stews.Filipinos love them. High in vitamin c.Like sun and water. Can be pruned heavily in winter, will grow back in spring as vigorous as ever. Will grow in NSW
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
It can also be made into noodles and cooked chow mein or Canton style.
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
In srilaka we call it Murungaits leaves are rich in calcium we cooked with coconut
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Drumstick is called saijan in Hindi. the leaves are yummy when cooked with grated coconut.
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
I would like to get a Horseradish Tree (Moringa Olerifera)Would most nurseries have them in WA?
Drumstick Tree
Asri lankan friend of mine recently gave me some moringa cuttings one was soaked in water for a week and the other straight in the ground they have both sprouted and growing well
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Moringa olerifera. a threat to native species, invasive on Pacific islands. Qld Gov. weed risk assessment. http://www.daff.qld.gov.au/documents/Biosecurity_EnvironmentalPests/IPA-Horseradish-Tree-Risk-Assessment.pdf
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Moringa stenopetala(African variety) grows slower than the Moringa oliefera(Indian variety) but has larger leaves that are easy to collect, and tastier seeds that look like almonds.
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Hi Anke, sorry I dont have a phone number, but Daley's here on this site, have plants for sale and Mark Wilson ( Kenni_Koala) on ebay has seeds for sale,
Boronia, VIC
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Hi I would like to purchase some seeds from that chap in North Queensland Ron Briggs in South Crafton gave that tip Could you please give me the telephone number many thanks Anke Arkesteyn from Boronia www.delftbluestudio.com
Yeppoon, QLD
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Hi, I would to find a source for Drumstick (Moringa) seeds please. I am in Central Queensland, but any leads in Australia would be much appreciated.
Rajpipla, GUJRA
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
I have a some plant's reqvayd foue drumstic about 2000palnts
Brisbane, QLD
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Hello, i havent eaten its its flowers sind years, and my taste buds are missing them. anyone in brisbane, if have this tree, and want to taste its flower, please let me know when inflorescence is ready.. we can share the joy
South Grafton , NSW, Australia
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
I bought and planted two lots of seed I purchased on Ebay, first lot never germinated, bought locally, next lot were bought from a chap in north Qld, they have all come up and are going well, growing in large pots and in the ground
Holsworthy, Australia, NSW
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
In BANGLADESH we call it sajna as in India, you can take off the skin from the fruits, pieces and cook with mastered paste termeric, chilli powder and salt. we also cook with lentil soup!
Orissa, INDIA
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
IT is also called as Munka or Sajna Tree in India. Munka has small leaves and small and cylindrical fruit. Sajna has bigger leave and larger flattish( with 3 edges/side) fruit. Munka leaf and fruit is testier than Sajna leaf and fruit.
EIDSVOLD, QLD, Australia
A farvourite of my wifes. Makes great additions to soup etc. Tastes like water cress when eaten fresh. Fantastic nutritional value.
Mumbai, MAHAR
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
In Gujarati,it is called "Saragwa ni sing"
Brisbane, QLD
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
If some leaves turn yellow in very young trees, cut them off. New leaves will form fairly quickly.
Mumbai , MAHA
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
What is its indian name? if somebody can tell me what it is called in Gujarati language will be a great favour. please anyone ?
KEPERRA, QLD, Australia
Update September 2014: Has been pruned a few more times since last entry but never seems to recover well and is reduced to thin stems now. Again, hoping it might flower sometime but not holding my breath.------------------------------------------------...
Hollywood, FL
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
It is very common shade tree in the Crebean islands and South Florida very good forrage for sheep,cattle and goatsvery resistant to drought and rapid growth when wet
Gympie, QLD
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
I knew nothing about this tree till I saw it in a nursery in Chipata Zambia where we are assisting with a food project garden.
Holsworthy, NSW, Australia
Grew ok, was attacked by football (:-)) seemed to survive. Flowered end of summer and lost all leaves in winter. Waiting to see if it survived the winter
Lusaka Zambia, LUSAK
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Drum stick tree or MORINGA TREE has lot of other names,MIRACLE TREE,MAGIC TREE, WONDER TREE,POWER HOUSE ETC..so , the name itself tells you the importance of the tree.This is one of the fastest growing tree in the world without much care.
Athelstone, SA, Australia
thin brittle small tree seems tough enoughworthwhile purchasegood tasting leaves and the early fresh pods do taste asparagus like bees love the flowers
CAWONGLA, NSW, Australia
I have had two of these for a while. They are still in pots, because I am trying to decide where to plant them. The only part I've tasted so far are the leaves, which are quite palatable. This is a fairly tough plant, and despite its Low Frost toleranc...
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Hi Yvonne Pringle - Armadale I got a Moringa Tree last week, I live in Kelmscott
growing in 40cm pot not very bushy at first. Grew 3 pods end of last year. Picked early this year planted one pod of seeds to grow more trees. Will sprout other pod for eating and crush last pod for water purification test. Tree has now grown...
Springfield, QLD
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Hi I am Diane from Queensland who wrote in Mar 2008 whether you can grow this tree in a pot well my tree has been growing in the 40cm pot ever since. It has not been very leafy more lanky it grew 3, 30cm pods which I have allowed to dry on the tree.
Kakamega, KENYA
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Wonderful tree, I use leaves for vegetable, dry leaves and make into a powder used in porridge flour or in warm water and drunk as refreshment. Every home should plant this tree.
Brocklehurst, NSW
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
I would like to buy two drumstick trees for my cancer treatment ca n anyone please help, tm dubbo nsw.
Brisbane, QLD
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
My drumstick plant (from Daileys) is an incredibly fast grower. It has been in the ground for just under 3 months and has reached a height of about 3m & the trunk is about 6cm in diameter.
Hyderabad, India, A P
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Mature drumstick can be dried, powdered and used in vegetables, soups. If fibrous, or long sticks, they can be put in a sieve and separated. Flowers can be cooked with grated coconut, or with potatoes and peas.
Quakers Hill, NSW
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
My drumstick tree is now well over 3m tall, is completely decidous in a temperate zone but appears healthy. I will need to plant it in the ground this spring.I beleive it is also known as Saragawa. It tastes great.
Clemton Park, NSW, Australia
like most tropical fruits and veg they get burnt by frost in the first winter and by the next year they are climateised, I have mine growing under a green eggplant tree to protect from frost and I will prune the eggplant in spring to let the sun throug...
Bhopal India, INDIA
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
We want to make drumstick tree as popular as any holy tree & make it compulsory in every court yard in every house hold
Marangaroo-6064, W.A., Australia, Australia
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
My drumstick tree provides us with many drumsticks, we supply to friends & family and also sell to the local gourmet shop. I have successfully grown the tree from seed as well.
Cheltenham, NSW
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
When hot crab curries are cooked drumstick leaves are added and the crab curry taste heaven! This is a regional Sri Lankan recipe.
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Dear all, my drum stick tree has quadrupald in size from when I bought it abt 4mnths ago!!! Its fruiting now!!! And what's best is that I grow it in a very large plastic pot...hw abt that!!!!!
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
I love drumsticks cooked in a curry but want to know where to buy a tree in perth western australia
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Hi Diane you may but it will not thrive well unless planted outside directly in the soil. The young plant is very frost-sensitive until the branches harden and become woody with age.
Bundaberg, QLD
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Young trees need protection from Possums as they will destroy them>
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Adding the ground up seed of the drumstick tree clarifies turbid water. According to New Scientist it also traps much of the bacteria content in the water as well. How cool is that? Who needs water purifiers?
Drumstick or Horseradish Tree
Hi Sheila, I haven't tried growing drumstick tree from seeds but I am not a botanist. You can grow it from mature cuttings say 3 cm diametre by 1 m. It needs very rich soil, protect cutting from getting dry or sun burn.
Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree
The Pods are wonderfully tasty when cooked with Tumeric and English Mustard as part of Sri-Lankan cuisine.
Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree
The soft yellow and white flowers are an excellent vegetable also. May be sauted withy onions and a pinch of tumeric, or added to your omlette. If you choose the latter, keep your omlette simple with just onions and drumstick flowers in beaten eggs
Blaine, WA, Australia, Australia
Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree
Very tasty when added to chicken stew/chicken soup
Berowra Heights, NSW, Australia
Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree
The young leaves of Drumstick tree can also be cooked and used as a vegetable. This is a commonly used vegetable in Northern part of The Philippines.
Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree
The fruit is also edible when cooked. Harvest the fruit when it is not fully mature or reached the woody stage. Slice the fruit lengthwise by following the groove. Easier to slice into four pieces to access the soft pods.