Sweet Leaf Bush
Sauropus androgynus$18.75 ($18.75-$18.90 choose a size)
Specifications of Sweet Leaf Bush
Preferred Climate Tropical, SubtropicalLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From CuttingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Likes Temps above 5deg
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA
Suitability in Pots Yes
Fruiting/Harvest Months February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
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Customer Tips & Reviews Sweet Leaf Bush
Sweet Leaf Bush
Growing very fast, I saw 4 x flowers coming out. Whats the use of the leaves and the flowers?
Sweet Leaf Bush
Good healthy plant, look forward to tasting it when big enough.
Willoughby East, NSW, Australia
Sweet Leaf Bush
Caution - Tasty. But eating large quantities of Sweet Leaf (Sauropus androgynus) uncooked maybe causes the fatal disease bronchiolitis obliterans. and
Sauropus androgynus. Has to be grown in a pot here - the winter is a bit too cold for it in the soil, out in the open. I move the pot under the eaves on the north facing verandah in winter and it does well there in the warm sun. It rarely needs water a...
RUNCORN, QLD, Australia
I'm always looking for more greens that will grow in our grimey, humid summers. I've heard excellent things about the flavour.
Sweet Leaf Bush
It's called Cekur Manis in malay. I wish to see more green vegetables like this that are usually used in malay cooking
Buderim, Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Sweet Leaf Bush
I have a tree in a garden bed that I grew from a seedling from Yandina Community Gardens. It's flourishing thanks to the recent rain. It slows right down in winter. Seems a v resilient plant and the leaves taste delicious.
Sweet Leaf Bush
Plant the seed if possible, take a break, this is easier when planting you will get a strong plant with a healthy root system... this plant gives an amazing pink and white berry that is highly edible and tasty to eat...
Sweet Leaf Bush
Did you know this plant has more vitamins, minerals and protein pound for pound to any other green leafy plant...
Chiangmai, Thailand, .
Sweet Leaf Bush
Following youtube link is a simple way to propagate sweet leaf bush by cutting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5yrpZMWc4o
Sweet Leaf Bush
Can anyone tell me if sweetleaf is good for diabetes. My tree is flousihing on the fenceline. Likes the humid conditions, I think.
Howard, QLD
Sweet Leaf Bush
I have about 20 bushes in my garden and grow it like hedges,always handy for a quick meal.You can grow quite easily just stick the stalk in the soil and away it grows.Keep prunning and it gets thicker and bushier.
Brassall, Ipswich, QLD. AUSTRALIA, Australia
Sweet Leaf Bush
I have one growing in a garden bed, it's flourishing!! In Winter I prune it and come Spring, it sends up many fresh new shoots that produce lovely leaves; it grew / grows very easily with no trouble and no insect / grub / etc pests. Cow manure + water
Brisbane, QLD
Sweet Leaf Bush
Found this very hard to keep growing first plant died within week or two of bringing it home ...not yet planted second has struggled a lot and we have had to give it 'healing' to keep it alive any tips?
Elrington, NSW, Australia
In pot. Has died back for winter. As soon as new shoots appear will be planted out into permanent position
Auckland, NZ
Sweet Leaf Bush
It is delicius leave and mostly usefull for produce milk aftern maternity.I am looking this plant available in New Zealand