(1/1) Luffa aegyptiaca immature fruit ready for harvest as a vegetable (right) and mature and peeled mature fruit used as a vegetal sponge (left) By User:Tomas nevado (right photo), Jerry Crimson Mann (upper left photo), Rik Schuiling / TropCrop - Tropical Crops Services (bottom left photo), montage by User:RoRo. [CC BY-SA 3.0] (Photo Credits)
Luffa - Smooth
Luffa aegyptiaca
Grown as an edible vegetable they can be cooked and eaten when the size of a zucchini. Matured and left to dry they are using in the bath as an exfoliating sponge. Pick fruit regularly to encourage regular cropping. To prepare the luffa break off the stem... Read More and peel away the skin, when dry it cracks and comes off easily. Tap the seeds into a bowl. Soak in soapy water overnight and jet clean. Makes a planet friendly sponge in the kitchen, laundry and bathroom Great for growing over fences and as a screening plant. Requires lots of water to thrive.
Other Names: shcloth gourd, sponge gourd, Egyptian cucumber, Vietnamese Luffa, loofa, loofah
$14.90 ($7.90-$14.90 choose a size)
event_busy When will it be in Stock?
We previously had the most to buy in Nov. They are unlikely to be available in Mar and Apr. Remember to click above to get notified when it is available once more.
Preferred Climate Tropical, Subtropical, Warm Temperate
Grown From Seedling
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA
Suitability in Pots Yes
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest First Year
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Fruiting/Harvest Months January, February, March, April, May, December
Fertiliser All Purpose, Compost