Close up of the Nully Pigface flower

(1/5) Close up of the Nully Pigface flower

Nully Pigface at South West Rocks in NSW Australia

(2/5) Nully Pigface at South West Rocks in NSW Australia

Close up of the Nully Pigface Flower

(3/5) Close up of the Nully Pigface Flower

Growth Habit of the Nully Pigface

(4/5) Growth Habit of the Nully Pigface

Nully Pigface For Sale

(5/5) Nully Pigface For Sale


Nully Pigface

Carpobrotus glaucescens
Native, edible, maroon berry with a strawberry and kiwifruit taste, and a slightly salty edge. The fruit is typically eaten by squeezing and sucking the succulent pulp into the mouth, with the astringent skin being discarded. The fruit keeps well and make... Read More


Specifications of Nully Pigface

Preferred Climate SubtropicalLearn About Climate Zones

Grown From CuttingLearn About Propagation Methods

Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 1-2m

Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination

Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes

Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)

Suitability in Pots Yes

Water Requirements Moderate Watering

Fruiting/Harvest Months April, May, June

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Australian Round Lime

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Cinnamon Myrtle

$14.90 ($14.90-$19.90 choose a size)

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Aspen - Lemon

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Davidson Plum NSW

$19.90 ($4.90-$24.75 choose a size)

An outstanding small tree that prefers warm conditions and some shade. The sour purple fruits have bright red flesh that makes excellent jam. Davidsonia jerseyana is the southern form, it fruits in the summer months and is generally a smaller plant than the northern Davidsonia pruriens. The fruit form on the trunk of the tree and it is striking in full fruit.
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Avocado - Secondo (A) ®

$79.00 ($59.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Superior flavour, with smooth, creamy flesh and pear-shaped, green-skinned, fruits that are textured like hass. A vigorous variety that commences fruiting in its 2nd year. Self pollinating. H Jul - Dec This is a local selection with Hass and Sharwill as parents that was selected by Daleys and is proving an excellent backyard variety as well as being our nursery favourite.

Nully Pigface Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

★★★★★ 2y ago

GRANGE, QLD, Australia

Nully Pigface

Hardy native for school garden.

★★ 6y ago


bush tucker uses and medicinal purposes

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