Produce fruit on the trunk. Taste is Sour but include in fruit salad. Pickle the fruit Tropical and ornamental plant By

(1/2) Produce fruit on the trunk. Taste is Sour but include in fruit salad. Pickle the fruit Tropical and ornamental plant By

Flowers of the Rainforest Plum Tree

(2/2) Flowers of the Rainforest Plum Tree


Nam Nam

Cynometra cauliflora
Belonging to the bean family the nam nam is a small multi-stemmed tree. The texture of the fruit surface is rough and wrinkled, pale greenish/yellow and dull looking. The flesh is juicy and yellow in colour. It tastes sourish and has large seeds. The matu... Read More


Specifications of Nam Nam

Preferred Climate TropicalLearn About Climate Zones

Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods

Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) +10m

Can it Handle Frosts? Likes Temps above 5deg

Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)

Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA

Fruiting/Harvest Months February, March

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These plants are often purchased together. Also check plant information for suitability in your orchard.

Wax Jambu - Red

$34.00 ($34.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Red waxy skin with crisp white flesh. Highly ornamental as well as sweet and tasty. Fast growing tree bearing attractive red pear shaped fruit that is crunchy and refreshing on a hot summers day. A highly ornamental fruit due to its striking red colour. They generally don't have seeds but may on rare occasions, depending on pollination.

Betel Nut

$42.95 ($42.95-$49.00 choose a size)

This medium sized, graceful, tropical palm is also commonly called areca nut, this is not a true nut but the palm seed. The seed is separated from the outer layer of the fruit and may be used fresh, dried, boiled, baked, roasted or cured. They can be chewed in a similar way to chewing tobacco, producing a mildly euphoric and stimulating effect, and helping reduce tension. Betel nuts and betel quids are generally chewed for their psychoactive properties that help reduce tension, produce a feeling of well being and facilitate social interactions and strengthen social ties. Around 10 to 20% of the world's population chews betel nut in some form. This makes it the 4th most widely-used psychoactive substance,after nicotine, alcohol and caffeine.

Guiana Chestnut

$39.00 ($39.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Fragrant, stunning flowers and edible peanut-tasting nuts distinguish Guiana Chestnut. They are edible raw but they are more often eaten roasted, boiled or fried when they taste more like chestnuts. It is closely related to the smaller but similar Malabar Chestnut. Native to estuaries and lake shores in the tropical rainforests of Mexico, Central and South America where it is seen as a large spreading tree with buttressed root systems to hold it in place during flooding. The flowers of the Guiana chestnut are spectacular, they emerge from foot long buds where they are almost hidden amongst the dense foliage. The long cream coloured petals droop and disappear to show off the dramatic clusters of scarlet tipped stamens. The fruits that follow the flowers are football shaped large woody pods that can reach 30cm in length. The tightly packed nuts inside enlarge until the pods burst open to reveal them. They can be also be ground into flour for baking. Both the flowers and the leaves can be eaten as vegetables. The Guiana Chestnut does best in sites that are protected from drying winds, it can be grown in full sun or part shade and it requires frequent and generous watering.

Jade Vine

$29.00 ($29.00-$39.00 choose a size)

Prized for its stunning claw shaped turquoise flowers. These can be eaten as a vegetable. This is a vine for subtropical, tropical gardens or a warm indoors position. It does not tolerate frost. It prefers a moist, free draining soil and can grow 2-5m.
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The brightly coloured orange-red fruits split when fully ripe to reveal three large shiny black seeds, each is partly surrounded but the soft, creamy arils. Akee pods should be allowed to fully ripen on the tree before picking. Prior to cooking the arils are washed and then boiled for 5 minutes, the water is discarded. The dried seeds, fruit, bark and leaves of the tree are all used in traditional medicine. Akee is a tropical evergreen tree with leathery leaves that grows to around 10m. Native to Africa it was taken to the West Indies before 1778 where it has become an integral part of the local cuisine. Akee is now the national fruit of Jamaica. Caution is advised with using akee as it is poisonous when unripe or overripe.

Ugni ( Tazziberry )

$29.00 ($24.00-$29.00 choose a size)

This popular little ornamental plant should be planted anywhere the strawberry aroma from the fruit can be appreciated. It is ideally grown as a low growing hedge or a container specimen. The small glossy dark-green leaves are tinged with a beautiful red growth when young. The plant becomes smothered with fluffy white flowers in summer and bears pea sized burgundy fruit, that lighten as they ripen, in the autumn. It is best eaten on its own to really appreciate the unique aromatic flavour.
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Nam Nam Reviews & Tips

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★★★★★ 1y ago


Nam Nam

Healthy and growing nicely.

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