Example of understory plants growing on the forest floor in low light

(1/1) Example of understory plants growing on the forest floor in low light


Understorey Plants

Trees and Plants > Rainforest Trees > Understorey Plants
The plants that grow beneath the forest canopy. They are the underbrush or undergrowth that makes a rainforest lush down to ground level. Often these plants can grow in very low light.

Midyim Berry

$14.90 ($4.90-$19.75 choose a size)

A low spreading shrub with dainty foliage developing a reddish shade in colder climates. The white tea tree like flowers are followed by sweet edible mauve-white speckled berries. A very decorative ground cover.
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Native Ginger - Atherton Red Back

$14.90 ($3.90-$14.90 choose a size)

Versatile plant used by Aboriginal people. The ginger tasting roots were eaten and the flesh from the bright blue fruit. This Red Coloured form is from Atherton Tablelands. The large leaves were thatched and used to make shelters and to wrap food for cooking.
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Finger Lime

$19.75 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

This is a seedling selection from our grafted varieties. They have a thin skin that ranges in colour from green, yellow, red, purple to even a black. The inner cells are cylindrical balls filled with lime juice. Very hardy. The bushy thorny foliage is a perfect protective habitat for small birds to nest in addition to their fruits.
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Gymea Lily

$17.90 ($2.95-$17.90 choose a size)

Large leaves and large upright bright red flower heads. Grows best in partial shade but will tolerate full sun. Frost hardy although flowers can be damaged by heavy frost. Excellent accent plant or large container plant.
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Baeckea - Clarence River

$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

Fine, weeping foliage and abundant white flowers in Spring and Summer, make this pretty shrub a good addition to a native garden. Perfect for a medium height, informal hedge

Lomandra longifolia - Mat Rush

$2.40 ($2.40-$18.75 choose a size)

Extremely versatile and hardy bush tucker plants that will grow almost anywhere. An important stabilizing plant for stream banks, as well as a useful ornamental grass in native gardens. Pull the leaves out from the base of the clump and chew the white fleshy base of them, they taste a little like sweet peas. The lusher the growing conditions, the better the taste. Flowers are high in nectar and can be soaked in water for a flavoured, refreshing drink. Mature seed can be ground into a flour to make a damper. The strap-like leaves make great weaving material too.
Buy 16+ @$2.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Native Gardenia

$9.95 ($3.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Beautiful, evergreen rainforest tree with attractive glossy foliage and structure. Highly perfumed, small, white, tubular flowers, in spring. They also produce a large, edible, yellow fruit which turns brown and soft when ripe. The smooth flesh around the seed can be sucked, it is sweet like dates with a bitter aftertaste. The flesh under the skin is similar with a gritty texture. Ideal for large tubs, shade tree or somewhere the delightful scent of the flowers can be enjoyed.
Buy 4+ @$9.95ea usually:$18.75ea Aramex Free Freight

Palm - Fan

$19.90 ($19.90-$19.90 choose a size)

Tropical native palm with striking, fan-shaped palm leaves, up to 2m in diameter. A single trunk supports the crown of bright green, almost round leaves, forming the sub canopy of North Qld rainforest. Endemic to the Wet Tropics, from Ingham to Cooktown, in rainforests and swamps. Prefers warm temperatures above 12C and high rainfall and humidity. Slow growing and tolerant of shade, and this is preferential when young. They prefer increasing light exposure as they grow. May make a beautiful indoor plant with care. Fruits are an important food source for Cassowaries during the wet season, when little else is available. For Aboriginal people, the trees are an important part of their cultural history, being used for food and shelter construction.
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Cunjevoi Lily

$17.90 ($7.95-$19.75 choose a size)

A clumping native rainforest plant up to 1.5m in height with large, green, spade-shaped leaves. This plant has a fragrant flower and juicy sweet smelling, red fruits. All parts of this plant are highly poisonous. In the rainforest understorey they look lush and tropical, making a very attractive planting. Believed to be the antidote for the Giant Stinging Tree.

Native Ginger

$14.90 ($4.90-$17.90 choose a size)

The ginger tasting roots are eaten and the flesh from the bright blue fruit can be sucked off the seeds. Excellent landscape specimen. A versatile plant loved by First Nations people. The large leaves are thatched and used to make shelters and to wrap food for cooking.
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Blue flax-lily

$2.95 ($2.95-$18.75 choose a size)

An evergreen tuft-forming native perennial, with attractive strap like leaves. Produces panicles of small star-shaped purple flowers in summer that make them an excellent edging plant. Best results in part shaded areas. Flowers are followed by blue berries. This variety has sweet, edible fruits and can be eaten fresh or cooked. There are some reports of people having reactions to this fruit, so eat in moderation.
Buy 4+ @$2.95ea usually:$4.90ea

Richmond Birdwing Vine

$19.90 ($4.90-$21.90 choose a size)

A large vine of temperate subtropical rainforests. The vine attracts one of the largest and most spectacular butterflies the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly which is considered an endangered species. This is the only food source for the catterpillars of this butterfly and is essential for the survival of the species. Plants require support on which to climb, a trellis, a fence or over a stump.
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Blue Tongue

$12.90 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Widespread native shrub with large pink to mauve flowers over many months. Very attractive, dark green leaves and sweet, edible blue-black berries. Its scientific name Melastoma, means black (mela) tongue (stoma). Often confused with the exotic Asian Melastoma, which has five leaf veins, plus the two fine intramarginal vein included. Native Melastoma only has 3, plus 2 fine intramarginal veins. Very hardy.

Davidsons Plum - QLD

$14.75 ($4.90-$99.00 choose a size)

Outstanding small tree for warm position or indoors. Large pinnate leaves make it a striking specimen plant. The edible purple fruits have bright red flesh and make excellent jam. Prefers some shade. Fruits in the autumn and winter. The plum-sized fruit hang from the crown in panicles. Native to North QLD and SE QLD rainforests.
Buy 1+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.75ea

Native Violet

$3.90 ($3.90-$5.75 choose a size)

Small spreading ground cover forming extensive mats in damp areas. White and purple violet-shaped flowers for long periods. Flowers are edible and can be used in salads. Full sun to part shade. Dies back in winter. Useful for hanging baskets
Buy 4+ @$3.90ea usually:$5.75ea

Graptophyllum - Holly-leaved


Bright pinky scarlet flowers occur in spring and early summer. Makes an attractive plant which is becoming more common in cultivation. It is fairly quick growing in warmer climates but may be slow in cool temperate areas. The species prefers light shade for best results. Judicious pruning will maintain a bushy habit down to 2m and promote prolific flowering. This species would quite probably be suitable for tub growing. In its native habitat grows to 3-5m high and is found in fairly dry rainforest areas or along creek banks.

Lomandra hystrix - Mat Rush

$4.90 ($4.90-$17.75 choose a size)

This hardy Bushfood plant has arching strap-like leaves and yellow-green flower spikes in spring. Suited to wet soils and is ideal for use around water features. It prefers part shade though will tolerate full sun. It can also be used indoors and will accept a wide range of soils and climates. Useful for drainage swales and erosion control. Like its cousin Lomandra longifolia the base of the leaves make a tasty snack. Pull the leaves out from the base of the clump and chew the white fleshy base of them, they taste a little like sweet peas. The lusher the growing conditions, the better the taste. Flowers are high in nectar and can be soaked in water for a flavoured, refreshing drink. Mature seed can be ground into a flour to make a damper. The strap-like leaves make great weaving material too.

Palm - Bangalow

$3.90 ($3.90-$79.00 choose a size)

Tall graceful, fast growing palm which can stand boggy ground, full shade or some exposure. Frost tender when young. Mature specimens display large clusters of bird-attractive red fruits.
Buy 4+ @$3.90ea usually:$4.90ea

Lilly Pilly - Cherry Puff

$14.90 ($4.95-$14.90 choose a size)

Small to medium pendulous shrub to 3m high. New foliage is a very attractive bright pink. Flowers are large and crimson occurring in large fluffy heads.


$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

An adaptable, handsome plant useful for shady places or as a tub specimen. The fruits are pleasantly scented, sweet and edible. The flowers are strongly perfumed and the bark was used by Indigenous Australians for making fishing lines.
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Prickly Rasp Fern


This fern is found growing in a variety of habitats such as rainforest margins, eucalypt forests and rainforests. It is well adapted to both sunny and shaded areas. Its new growth is bright orange-pink and is a stunning understory plant. The fern is usually easy to grow in gardens, containers and baskets. Having a spreading growth habit makes D. aspera suitable as a groundcover. It grows best in shady conditions and in acidic soil, with high organic composition.
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Finger Lime- Judys Everbearing

$49.00 ($46.95-$79.00 choose a size)

Large juice vesicles are clear light green to pink in colour with few seeds, the skin is Khaki, dark brown and maroon in colour. The trees is most productive between Summer and Autumn with a light crop throughout the year. Heavy crops of high quality fruit are produced, the flavour is aromatic with a lemon lime flavour.

Finger Lime - Alstonville

$59.00 ($39.00-$59.00 choose a size)

Mostly seedless fruit with lime green vesicles, the skin is smooth and brown with green tinges. A highly productive selection with excellent quality fruit. Fruits are 7-12 cm long when fully ripe.

Finger Lime - Jali Red

$39.00 ($24.90-$99.00 choose a size)

One of the largest of the Finger limes 8-12cm long. Bright pinkish-red vesicles are held inside a dark brown to maroon coloured skin. Good flavour and a high yielding variety.

Mountain Pepper- Female


Female selection of this attractive, aromatic shrub growing 2- 5 m high, it has striking red stems. Plants are either male or female with the small black berries ripening on the female plants in the autumn. The leaf and berry are both dried and used as a spice. The berries are sweet first at first with a peppery aftertaste. Native to rainforest gullies from Tasmania north to the Barrington Tops where it prefers a cool climate.

Staghorn Fern (30cm)


The staghorn is one of the most prominent and stunning features of our native rainforest. They are epiphytic and adorn the treetops with their spectacular foliage, they can also be lithophytic which means growing on rocks. Each fern consists of two types of frond, the nest fronds are infertile and grow around the host tree holding the fern firmly in place as well as providing it with a nest at the top to catch falling leaves which rot down and feed the plant. The fertile fronds are the dramatic antler shaped fronds that produce the spore, these hang down from the center of the fern. It is important to give your fern a bright spot in filtered sunlight, they do not like dense shade but will appreciate some humidity. Protect from drying winds and do not over water your fern. Feed with a liquid fertilizer during the warmer months.

Warrigal Greens - Native Spinach

$14.90 ($7.90-$14.90 choose a size)

An attractive scrambling, ground cover which enjoys semi-sun rich soil and a moist position. Once established, it will self seed prolifically. The thick leaf makes an excellent boiled spinach.

Palm - Walking Stick

$4.90 ($4.90-$24.75 choose a size)

This native miniature palm is found as an understorey throughout the subtropical rainforest's of Australia. Growth is very slow in it's initial stages but very worthwhile to nurture as it is very attractive as an indoor plant. Red fruits are edible, with a pleasant mild flavour and a slightly spicy aftertaste.

Tree Fern


This is a beautiful and hardy native Australian tree fern which is adaptable to many sites provided it has adequate moisture levels. It is fast growing with large lacy fronds and a slender trunk that is adorned with a pattern of oval scars where the old leaf bases are shed cleanly. It makes a very attractive garden plant where it will prefer a frost free moist position.

Southern Swamp Orchid


This orchid has flower stems up to 2 m tall and large broad leaves with a pleated appearance, both arising from a fleshy bulb near ground level. The large, showy flowers, with up to 20 per stem, have four petals which are white on the outside and brown with white or yellow veins on the inside. The central tongue of the flower is pink and yellow with lobes slightly curved inwards.Occurs in Queensland and north-east NSW as far south as Coffs Harbour. Historically, it extended farther south, to Port Macquarie. Swampy grassland or swampy forest including rainforest, eucalypt or paperbark forest, mostly in coastal areas.

Blueberry Ash - Prima Donna


Small upright tree with masses of dainty, pink, fringed bell flowers followed by bird attractive blue berries. Hardy.

Palm - Foxtail

$29.00 ($19.75-$29.00 choose a size)

First discovered in 1978 in a tiny area within Melville National Park, this palm is now one of the most widely planted in the world. Famous for it bushy fronds and slightly bulbous base, it lends a exotic, tropical look to landscaping. Able to survive heat, salt winds and seasonally dry conditions. Slow growing.

Native Wampee - Gregs

$14.75 ($4.95-$14.90 choose a size)

An evergreen shrub to 6m, native to eastern Australia where it is very rare. Leaves are lemon scented when crushed and form a dense canopy of shiny green foliage, white showy flowers followed by very attractive edible pale pinkish-white fruits.

Cut leaf mint Bush

$4.95 ($4.95-$18.75 choose a size)

Fine leaved bushy shrub with a strongly aromatic leaves that are distilled for their essential oils. Violet flowers with small fruit. 1m. In poorly drained soils it can be susceptible to root-rot. It has reasonable frost tolerance down to minus 5 deg. It is a fast-growing shrub, and consequently can be harvested within the first year. When pruned back to a height of 50cm it reshoots readily

Stream Lily


Native to NSW and QLD rainforest creeks and gullies. They have long, dark-green strap-like leaves and form clumps that are up to 2 metres high. The tall flower spikes, which appear in the summer, are pale pink, look beautiful in their natural environment, landscaping the creeks of the Border Ranges. Loves moist shaded spots.

Native Ginger - Wavy Leaf


Distinguished by glossy, dark green leaves with wavy margins. Pink flowers are followed by deep blue capsules with many seeds each with a thin pleasant tasting fleshy aril surrounding it. Attractive addition to native planting or food forest. Fresh pink rhizome is edible and the leaves are used to wrap food. Native to Queensland and NSW where it is an understorey plant of coastal wet schlerophyll and rainforests.

Cycad - Burrawang

$39.00 ($29.00-$39.00 choose a size)

A native cycad with a sturdy trunk and palm-like, green leaves up to 1.8m long. Grows in full sun or full shade and tolerates light frosts. Ideal for large containers or general garden planting.

Blueberry ash

$4.95 ($4.95-$21.90 choose a size)

Small upright tree with masses of dainty, white, fringed bell flowers followed by bird attractive blue berries. A strikingly beautiful with a dense crown of foliage, needs little maintenance to thrive, surviving well in low nutrient and dry soils, grows well from shade through to full sun.



Commonly known as waxflower native hoya is found on rocky slopes of dry rainforest margins. It is a popular potted house plant where it enjoys a well lit position and is ideal for hanging baskets, verandahs and patios. The native Hoya is noted for its fragrant flowers. It grows 4-10 m in ideal climates but can be pruned to a shorter length. It is the host plant for the caterpillars of the Common Australian Crow butterfly and its flowers are pollinated by the Grass-dart.

Lilly Pilly - Cascade

$4.95 ($4.95-$17.90 choose a size)

This is a hybrid species of lilly pilly that looks similar to the powderpuff lilly pilly but it has pale pink flowers followed by yummy pale pink fruits. Excellent for Hedges

Cycad - Scaly Zamia


A striking landscaping plant to 3 metres. Slow growing and as they age they develop a thick trunk much like a grass tree. A member of the cycad family. Ideal for using as an understory plant in a partial shade position.

River Lily

$17.90 ($3.95-$17.90 choose a size)

A large lily that makes a great understory plant beneath eucalypts. Strap type leaves 2m long by 15cm wide. The white pleasantly perfumed flowers occur from November to March, are about 10cm across in clusters of 10-25.

Birds Nest Fern


An epiphyte fern that grows on rocks and on trees where large specimens can circle the tree trunk. native to eastern New South Wales and Queensland. The clumps can reach a large size, with the centre of the fern acting as a reservoir for debris. They make a spectacular understory planting in rainforest gardens, and are suitable for growing in shade houses and as house plants in a shaded position.

Fern Leaved Tamarind

$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

A beautiful, showing rainforest tree from North Queensland. Its ferny foliage flushes with soft pink new growth making it a stunning feature tree for rainforest plantings. Small yellow flowers are follow but the bright yellow seed pods that split to reveal the red seeds. It requires a sheltered, frost free site and is slow growing buts its bushy habit and colourful foliage means it always looks gorgeous.

Cycad - Macrozamia johnsonii


A large and spectacular cycad that is endemic to New South Wales and which, by far, is the largest of the New South Wales Macrozamia species, with a stout columnar trunk ranging up to 3 metres in height.

Rough Maidenhair Fern


An excellent ground cover fern with an attractive pink flush.  Native to rainforest and wet schlerophyll forests it adapts readily to cultivation although may be slow growing. It is more tolerant of sun and drying out than other fern species and is perfect for hanging baskets.

Native pomegranate


Small tree with large, lightly scented, white flowers that have over 100 spreading stamens, flowers from Nov to Jan.Round green fruits on long stalks from March to May. 6m

Palm - Cabbage

$4.90 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Tall palm with a large crown of fan-shaped fronds. Massed cream flowers are followed by black fruits. Hardy in full sun and various soils, but needs plenty of water. Attractive indoor plant, although prickly.

Red fruited Saw sedge


The red seeds of this attractive tussock sedge can be ground for flour, and also provide food and nesting habitat to native birds. The edges of the leaves are serrated and can easily cut skin. A native perennial, it can be found in rainforests, schlerophyll forest and inland woodlands in NSW and QLD

Little Evodia

$3.90 ($3.90-$14.90 choose a size)

This is a beautiful small rainforest tree from North Queensland. Fast growing and tolerant of light frosts the vibrant lolly pink flowers light up the tree in summer. It is one of the food plants for the brilliant blue Ulysses butterfly.

Golden Guinea Vine

$12.90 ($4.90-$12.90 choose a size)

A sprawling native groundcover or climber with large golden flowers all year. Will flower best in full sun, this plant will grow in a variety of conditions from exposed coastal dunes to sheltered mountain areas. Prefers soils with good drainage. Very hardy and salt tolerant.

Dianella Silver Streak ®

$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

A clumping perennial with grey-green and white, striped, strappy leaves. Clusters of blue flowers appear on spikes in spring and summer and are held above the leaves. These are followed by shiny, decorative dark blue berries. Excellent specimen for form and colour contrast in mixed beds. Ideal for mass planting and more formal landscape designs. Prefers a sunny position in well drained soil. Tolerant of dry periods and light frost.

Velvet Leaf

$4.90 ($4.90-$14.75 choose a size)

This 1-2m shrub has an attractive display of white, pink and mauve flowers throughout summer, followed by small purple bird attracting fruits. Fast growing, requires regular pruning to keep it bushy shape.

Palm - Black

$12.90 ($12.90-$14.75 choose a size)

The black palm is endemic to the wet tropics of north Queensland. The edible flesh of the fruits are much sought after by cassowaries. Black palms will only thrive in situations that are humid and warm year round. They need rich soil and some shade when young.

Silky Myrtle


Bushy shrub for average soil in sun or part shade. Masses of fluffy white flowers in summer and autumn are followed by small black fruit. Flushes of delicate silky new growth. Useful for a compact hedge. Height: 4m Width: 2mWarningThis species is susceptible to Myrtle Rust (Puccinia psidii s.l.)It has been observed in the field with moderate to severe damage and will require ongoing treatment to control the rust. For more information follow this link.http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity/plant/myrtle-rust

Small Bolwarra

$14.90 ($2.95-$14.90 choose a size)

This small shrub belongs to an ancient and primitive family of plants with only one other member the Bolwarra - Eupomatia laurina. The flowers appear for only one day during which time they are pollinated by a tiny weevil. they are one of the earliest examples of flowering plant and are found as an understory plant in the rainforests of northern NSW and southern Qld. Plants require a shady position.

Banana Bush

$12.90 ($2.95-$12.90 choose a size)

An understory plant native to mid north NSW to North QLD. Appreciates good light but not direct sun. These pretty yellow fruits resemble tiny bananas however they are not edible.

Wilkiea macrophylla - Large Leafed Wilkea


Shrub or small tree to about 4m, it is found in litoral and subtropical rainforests of northern NSW and southern Queensland.

Golden Tip


Uncommon, this shrub grows to about 3m, it is native to rainforests of Springbrook and Mt Glorious.  Bright yellow pea flowers during the winter and spring make this an attractive adition to rainforest gardens and regeneration plots.

Large Pennywort


A bright green succulent plants that creeps along the ground. Thrives in moist sites and rainforest margins. The smooth leaves are kidney shaped or round, to 10cm diameter.

Indigofera australis - Austral indigo


A small slender shrub of the pea family, the Austral indigo bears attractive mauve flowers in winter and spring.  The flowers are and excellent source of pollen and nectar for many native insects and it is the host plant for the Tailed pea-blue and Common Grass-blue butterflies.  Tip pruning will improve the appearance and encourage a bushy form.  Indigenous Australians used the crushed leaves or roots to kill or stun fish and eels.

Gardenia - Narrow-leaved

$9.90 ($2.95-$9.90 choose a size)

Gorgeous scented flowers, and ornamental fruit and flowers make this an attractive small shrub for any bush food garden. The fruit often appear in large numbers in the winter. The sweet pink pulp with a bitter after taste surrounds the hard cream coloured seeds. Slow growing.

Rainforest Cassia


Golden and lightly fragrant flowers appear in early summer and are visited by various native bees, the flowers are pollinated by the buzzing action on the flowers by these bees. Trees prefer rich soil, good drainage and protections from extreme heat and frost. Also called the Brush Senna, this small shrub to about 3m is an endangered native senna that is found in small populations from Gloucester to Gladstone. This is a delightful little understorey plant with bright yellow flowers that is lovely to grow.

Small Leaf plum Myrtle

$3.90 ($3.90-$9.90 choose a size)

This is an attractive dense rounded shrub that is ideal for hedging, screening and use in native gardens. Small attractive white flowers are followed by black shiny fruits. It is hardy and fast growing if given a little extra water in dry times.

Pavetta lanceolata - Weeping Brides bush


An evergreen shrub or small tree. In summer bears an abundance of fragrant white flowers that show up well against the dark green foliage followed by clusters of black berries.

Prickly alyxia


Sometimes called a prickly alyxia due to the stiff prickly leaves. A rainforest plant from Wollongong. Attractive orange fruit. It is often seed used as a native alternative to the Murraya paniculata. Non edible fruits.

Plum Myrtle


Small shrubs native to the rainforests of East Australia. This can be a common pioneer plant when creating your own rainforest. Flowers are white or pale pink and about 5-8mm long and flower in Spring and Summer. The oblong fruit forms from Summer into Autumn.

Wedge leaf Tuckeroo


Very rare, this small tree to 10m is found in various rainforest types in South East Queensland. It has distinctly shaped leaves and is an attractive plant to grow in rainforests and gardens.

Wilkiea austroqueenslandica - Smooth Wilkiea


A shrub or small tree, large specimens often flanged at the base. Distribution form the Richmond river to Mount Tambourine.

Mackinlaya macrosciadia - Forest umbrella tree


Medium shrub to 3m. Compound leaves similar to those of the Umbrella Tree. Bluish fruits with dark red flesh and juice.

Thin-leaved Coondoo


An understorey tree of 10 - 12 m, from Byron Bay to the northern tip of Cape York. Slow growing but forms a well shaped bushy tree.

Midyim Berry

$14.90 ($4.90-$19.75 choose a size)

A low spreading shrub with dainty foliage developing a reddish shade in colder climates. The white tea tree like flowers are followed by sweet edible mauve-white speckled berries. A very decorative ground cover.
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Native Ginger - Atherton Red Back

$14.90 ($3.90-$14.90 choose a size)

Versatile plant used by Aboriginal people. The ginger tasting roots were eaten and the flesh from the bright blue fruit. This Red Coloured form is from Atherton Tablelands. The large leaves were thatched and used to make shelters and to wrap food for cooking.
Aramex Free Freight

Finger Lime

$19.75 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

This is a seedling selection from our grafted varieties. They have a thin skin that ranges in colour from green, yellow, red, purple to even a black. The inner cells are cylindrical balls filled with lime juice. Very hardy. The bushy thorny foliage is a perfect protective habitat for small birds to nest in addition to their fruits.
Aramex Free Freight

Gymea Lily

$17.90 ($2.95-$17.90 choose a size)

Large leaves and large upright bright red flower heads. Grows best in partial shade but will tolerate full sun. Frost hardy although flowers can be damaged by heavy frost. Excellent accent plant or large container plant.
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Baeckea - Clarence River

$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

Fine, weeping foliage and abundant white flowers in Spring and Summer, make this pretty shrub a good addition to a native garden. Perfect for a medium height, informal hedge

Lomandra longifolia - Mat Rush

$2.40 ($2.40-$18.75 choose a size)

Extremely versatile and hardy bush tucker plants that will grow almost anywhere. An important stabilizing plant for stream banks, as well as a useful ornamental grass in native gardens. Pull the leaves out from the base of the clump and chew the white fleshy base of them, they taste a little like sweet peas. The lusher the growing conditions, the better the taste. Flowers are high in nectar and can be soaked in water for a flavoured, refreshing drink. Mature seed can be ground into a flour to make a damper. The strap-like leaves make great weaving material too.
Buy 16+ @$2.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Native Gardenia

$9.95 ($3.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Beautiful, evergreen rainforest tree with attractive glossy foliage and structure. Highly perfumed, small, white, tubular flowers, in spring. They also produce a large, edible, yellow fruit which turns brown and soft when ripe. The smooth flesh around the seed can be sucked, it is sweet like dates with a bitter aftertaste. The flesh under the skin is similar with a gritty texture. Ideal for large tubs, shade tree or somewhere the delightful scent of the flowers can be enjoyed.
Buy 4+ @$9.95ea usually:$18.75ea Aramex Free Freight

Palm - Fan

$19.90 ($19.90-$19.90 choose a size)

Tropical native palm with striking, fan-shaped palm leaves, up to 2m in diameter. A single trunk supports the crown of bright green, almost round leaves, forming the sub canopy of North Qld rainforest. Endemic to the Wet Tropics, from Ingham to Cooktown, in rainforests and swamps. Prefers warm temperatures above 12C and high rainfall and humidity. Slow growing and tolerant of shade, and this is preferential when young. They prefer increasing light exposure as they grow. May make a beautiful indoor plant with care. Fruits are an important food source for Cassowaries during the wet season, when little else is available. For Aboriginal people, the trees are an important part of their cultural history, being used for food and shelter construction.
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Cunjevoi Lily

$17.90 ($7.95-$19.75 choose a size)

A clumping native rainforest plant up to 1.5m in height with large, green, spade-shaped leaves. This plant has a fragrant flower and juicy sweet smelling, red fruits. All parts of this plant are highly poisonous. In the rainforest understorey they look lush and tropical, making a very attractive planting. Believed to be the antidote for the Giant Stinging Tree.

Native Ginger

$14.90 ($4.90-$17.90 choose a size)

The ginger tasting roots are eaten and the flesh from the bright blue fruit can be sucked off the seeds. Excellent landscape specimen. A versatile plant loved by First Nations people. The large leaves are thatched and used to make shelters and to wrap food for cooking.
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Understorey Plants Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

Leon Anders
14y ago

Canberra, A.C.T, Australia

Pararistolochia praevenosa - Richmond Birdwing Vine

I really think that it is inportant to help the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly by planting this vine and it is extremely hard to purchase.

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