Trumpet Tree - White For Sale By [All Rights Reserved]

(1/2) Trumpet Tree - White For Sale By [All Rights Reserved]

Leaf of the Trumpet Tree - White

(2/2) Leaf of the Trumpet Tree - White


Trumpet Tree - White

Tabebuia pallida
A tall fast growing tree reaching 25 - 30m. Flowers are large, white to light pink and up to 8cm across, they appear in abundance during the dry season while the tree has none, or very few, leaves. The tree is native to the West Indies and can grow to 10... Read More


Specifications of Trumpet Tree - White

Preferred Climate Subtropical, TropicalLearn About Climate Zones

Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods

Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) +10m

Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination

Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes

Amount of leaves in Winter? No Leaves (Deciduous)

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$99.00 ($19.75-$99.00 choose a size)

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Trumpet Tree - White Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

★★★★ 1months ago


Trumpet Tree - White

This plant looked ok after unpacking and was planted and is growing nicely.

★★★★★ 1y ago


Trumpet Tree - White

Daly's always supply healthy and good size plants. The is lovely and growing fast. I am looking forward to the white fluffy flowers.

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