Australian Round Lime fruits

(1/4) Australian Round Lime fruits

Australian Round Lime For Sale (Size: Large)  (Grafted)

(2/4) Australian Round Lime For Sale (Size: Large) (Grafted)

Leaf of the Australian Round Lime

(3/4) Leaf of the Australian Round Lime

Australian Round Lime For Sale

(4/4) Australian Round Lime For Sale


Australian Round Lime

Microcitrus australis
Fruit Trees > Bush foods Australia > Australian Round Lime
The round knobbly fruit, usually reaching 3.5-4 cm in diameter have a distinctive and recognisably citrus flavour, with a similar globular texture to the more commonly known Finger Lime. Also known as Dooja or Gympie lime. Occurs naturally on the fringe o... Read More
Other Names: Citrus

$49.00 ($34.95-$49.00 choose a size)

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We previously had the most to buy in Jan and Aug. With limited quantities for sale in other months.Remember to click above to get notified when it is available once more.

Specifications of Australian Round Lime

Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm TemperateLearn About Climate Zones

Grown From GraftedLearn About Propagation Methods

Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m

Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination

Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes

Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)

Suitability in Pots Yes with 35L+ Pot

Water Requirements Moderate Watering

Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m

Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 2-3 Years

Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)

Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage

Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)

Fruiting/Harvest Months April, May, June

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Lemon Myrtle

$24.00 ($18.75-$40.95 choose a size)

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Orange Berry

$17.90 ($17.90-$29.00 choose a size)

Native to rainforest and vine thickets in tropical Australia to as far south as Bundaberg and spread into Asia this is an attractive small tree with tasty berries. Tiny white fragrant flowers are followed by small orange to pink juicy fruits that are sweet and honey flavoured with resinous overtones. Obviously related to the citrus family the foliage is glossy and aromatic. Perfect for use in a mixed screen or bush food garden the orange berry is also a host plant for the swallow tailed butterfly when the plant is young. Fruits make a delicious jam that taste similar to candied honey.
Click Choose above to view Specials

Lychee - Salathiel

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

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$29.00 ($28.90-$79.00 choose a size)

The fragrant fruits of the citron are highly variable in shape and texture. They can be oblong or oval, rough or smooth. The rind is very thick and when the peel is candied peel it is used in the food industry and as a common ingredient in fruit cakes, plum pudding, sweet rolls and candies. If fully ripened on the tree the fruits are very aromatic and yellow, they can be placed in a bowl to scent a room. Sensitive to frost, the foliage and fruit can also be damaged by intense heat and drought. Citron has been cultivated since ancient times, and is still much revered today for cultural and religious reasons.

Australian Round Lime Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

★★★★★ 11months ago


Australian Round Lime

Healthy looking plant, hopefully grows well. Neighbour across the road has one, quite old now, produces regular fruit

Mark Baker
★★★★★ 3y ago

Epping, NSW, Australia

Australian Round Lime

You should try the Gympie lime in gin and tonic - they are out-of-this-world wonderful - ours is grafted onto a blood orange and just had it first crop (50 fruits) at Spencer facing south on the banks of the mighty Hawkesbury

6y ago


Australian Round Lime

I have had this tree in my front yard in Melbourne for some years now frosts do not worry it and fruit is abundant as are the thorns. Very slow to grow but that slow growth is not reflected in fruit production.Very attractive foliage bees love the flowers


★★★★ 11y ago

Mt Gipps, Qld

This tree was slow to start growing but has been very hardy and productive. Lots of fruit and it makes a great lime pickle. The flavour is similar to finger limes, in fact, I think it is better than some varieties of finger lime I have tasted. It fruit...

Jordan Smith
12y ago

Nimbin, NSW, Australia

Australian Round Lime

Lol at the bubblebag thing. what a novel idea. gotta love the zesty smoke!


★★★★★ 12y ago

Burnside, VIC, Australia

I was going through a 'lime phase' and saw this little beauty at the nursery. I didn't know what this variety is but from the description, it seem to be ok for Melbourne weather. I put this tree into the ground next to my backyard fence. So far it has ...

★★★★★ 14y ago

Eltham North, VIC, Australia

Attractive habit

★★★ 14y ago

Glen Osmond, SA

The only lime that stays on the tree, the fruit can be picked and peels easily like mandarin. Taste is slight sweet  and sour with distinct lime flavour

★★ 15y ago

Beaumont, WA, Australia

This has not really fruited yet so we are waiting to see what it does this year as it has plenty of flowers.

John Keys
16y ago

London, UK

Australian Round Lime

Try to extract oil with the bubblebag system

Jan Drynan
16y ago

Mt Gipps, QLD, Australia

Australian Round Lime

It makes delicious lime gelati. Mix up a syrup of 220g of sugar with one cup of water. Bring to boil for one minute ,cool and add pulp from 3 limes and a cup of cream or yogurt. Freeze to a mush,beat and refreeze or use ice cream maker.

Jan Drynan
16y ago

Mt Gipps, QLD, Australia

Australian Round Lime

Does anyone have a good recipe for marmalde for round limes. What do I do with the thick skin?

David White
18y ago

Newcastle, NSW, Australia

Australian Round Lime

Beware of vicious needle like thorns. Unlike the finger lime, I found this one to be very slow growing, despite adequate care. Fruit very useful for Asian food and flavouring. Heavy bearer.

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