Fruit Trees



Maples are very attractive Temperate trees developing foliage in shades of yellow, orange, and all shades of red as they lose their leaves for the Winter. Some varieties maintain deep red-coloured foliage throughout the year. Their leaves are a distinctiv... Read More

Maple - Flamingo

$39.00 ($27.00-$49.00 choose a size)

This striking tree has bright pink and fresh green spring growth. Mature growth is apple green and white, flushed slightly with pink. The bright pink leaf margins turn white during summer.

Maple - Japanese

$34.00 ($19.75-$49.00 choose a size)

Maples are renowned for their brilliant Autumn colour in shades of yellow, orange or red. Attractive small tree. Prefers cool, deep, moisture retentive soil in a sheltered site.

Maple - Sugar

$29.00 ($9.90-$29.00 choose a size)

Spectacular red, yellow or orange autumn foliage. Prefers rich moist, well-drained soil in a protected, shady position with full sun when mature. This tree is the principal source of maple sugar. Nursery stock is deciduous from April on.

Maple - Japanese Blood Good


This is considered to be the most beautiful of the Japanese maple cultivars mainly because the leaves remain blood red throughout the entire growing season. Prefers cool, deep, moisture retentive soil in a sheltered site.

Maple - Japanese Osakazuki

$79.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A neatly rounded tree growing to approx 6 metres in height. Known for one of the best autumn colour variety within the Japanese maples. Its green foliage turns a fiery crimson in autumn. It has a broad vase shaped growth habit usually multi-stemmed. Clusters of small red flowers can be found in Spring.

Maple - Japanese Atropurpureum

$24.75 ($24.75-$84.00 choose a size)

A small, dense tree with excellent year-round colour. Magnificent bronze-purple foliage is combined with a good shape and a useful size to make an attractive specimen tree for a protected area in the landscape. Should not be planted in exposed areas where hot summer winds may stress the tree. Leaves may suffer scorch in very hot sun.

Maple - Red

$29.00 ($12.90-$29.00 choose a size)

Vibrant autumn leaf colours on a medium sized tree make this an attractive choice for a specimen tree. Fast growing, to 10 - 20 m, it is an oval shaped tree.

Maple - Autumn Red

$29.00 ($29.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Considered to be the most beautiful selection of Canadian Maple. Displays brilliant red autumn colours and has a neat, upright growth habit making it an excellent choice for small gardens, avenues and street planting.

Maple - Jeffersred Autumn Blaze

$79.00 ($24.00-$79.00 choose a size)

This well structured and very adaptable tree features some of the best autumn foliage colourings of the hybrid red maples, but is most useful as a medium to large shade tree for car parks, amenity areas around buildings, medium to large properties and for street, avenue or park plantings. Wide range of soil and climatic conditions including relatively wet sites and moderate air pollution. Heat, low levels of drought and cold conditions.

Maple - Box Elder


Fast growing deciduous spreading tree to 15m. Bright green leaves and clusters of greenish-yellow flowers. Can be tapped for its sweet syrup like the Sugar Maple. Very drought hardy, good specimen tree.

Maple - Kellies Gold

$39.00 ($39.00-$49.00 choose a size)

An attractive ornamental deciduous tree with gold foliage.

Maple - Red - Bowhall


An excellent, narrow growing maple with stunning autumn colour, particularly in cooler areas. Young twigs are bright red and the leaves turn yellow-red to orange in the autumn. Narrowly pyramidal and symmetrical in shape

Maple - Violaceum


A dense-foliaged deciduous tree that changes to a golden-yellow in autumn. Cultivated trees reach approximately 9 metres in eight. Fast growing and pest free. Frost tolerant. Cut back regularly to keep in shape.

Maple - Flamingo

$39.00 ($27.00-$49.00 choose a size)

This striking tree has bright pink and fresh green spring growth. Mature growth is apple green and white, flushed slightly with pink. The bright pink leaf margins turn white during summer.

Maple - Japanese

$34.00 ($19.75-$49.00 choose a size)

Maples are renowned for their brilliant Autumn colour in shades of yellow, orange or red. Attractive small tree. Prefers cool, deep, moisture retentive soil in a sheltered site.

Maple - Sugar

$29.00 ($9.90-$29.00 choose a size)

Spectacular red, yellow or orange autumn foliage. Prefers rich moist, well-drained soil in a protected, shady position with full sun when mature. This tree is the principal source of maple sugar. Nursery stock is deciduous from April on.

Maple - Japanese Blood Good


This is considered to be the most beautiful of the Japanese maple cultivars mainly because the leaves remain blood red throughout the entire growing season. Prefers cool, deep, moisture retentive soil in a sheltered site.

Maple - Japanese Osakazuki

$79.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A neatly rounded tree growing to approx 6 metres in height. Known for one of the best autumn colour variety within the Japanese maples. Its green foliage turns a fiery crimson in autumn. It has a broad vase shaped growth habit usually multi-stemmed. Clusters of small red flowers can be found in Spring.

Maple - Japanese Atropurpureum

$24.75 ($24.75-$84.00 choose a size)

A small, dense tree with excellent year-round colour. Magnificent bronze-purple foliage is combined with a good shape and a useful size to make an attractive specimen tree for a protected area in the landscape. Should not be planted in exposed areas where hot summer winds may stress the tree. Leaves may suffer scorch in very hot sun.

Maple - Red

$29.00 ($12.90-$29.00 choose a size)

Vibrant autumn leaf colours on a medium sized tree make this an attractive choice for a specimen tree. Fast growing, to 10 - 20 m, it is an oval shaped tree.

Maple - Autumn Red

$29.00 ($29.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Considered to be the most beautiful selection of Canadian Maple. Displays brilliant red autumn colours and has a neat, upright growth habit making it an excellent choice for small gardens, avenues and street planting.

Maple - Jeffersred Autumn Blaze

$79.00 ($24.00-$79.00 choose a size)

This well structured and very adaptable tree features some of the best autumn foliage colourings of the hybrid red maples, but is most useful as a medium to large shade tree for car parks, amenity areas around buildings, medium to large properties and for street, avenue or park plantings. Wide range of soil and climatic conditions including relatively wet sites and moderate air pollution. Heat, low levels of drought and cold conditions.

Maple - Box Elder


Fast growing deciduous spreading tree to 15m. Bright green leaves and clusters of greenish-yellow flowers. Can be tapped for its sweet syrup like the Sugar Maple. Very drought hardy, good specimen tree.

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