Garcinia humilis$39.00 ($19.75-$129.00 choose a size)
Specifications of Achacha
Preferred Climate Tropical, SubtropicalLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) +10m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Likes Temps above 5deg
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? No (Full Size)
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 5+ Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)
Fruiting/Harvest Months January, February, March, April, December
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Customer Tips & Reviews Achacha
Our plant arrived un good condition, was planted out and is now starting to shoot away. We are very pleased.
Plant is doing well, past one winter and was protected from frost. I live in hot temperate region. Plant where it gets morning sun and sun protection in afternoon. Feed with slow release fertilizer in spring.
I have grown them from seeds quite easily,I am about to transfer one out of large pot into garden,if all good Ill transfer the larger one(3)love the fruit,found some at Rustys market
CARRAMAR, NSW, Australia
Recently purchased this from Daleys in 4lt pot and have transferred into 20lt woven bag
PLanted as a seed either 2011 or 2012. Very very slow growing. I kind of ignored it for years after it established. Now hoping we might finally finally be close to fruiting!
Very easy to grow from seed. They grow slowly,though grow taller in semi shade. They are quite tough plants, and easy to transplant if required. No problem growing in Sydney.
Make lemonade from the peel ...deposit in a jar cover with water overnight and drink the following day
SUNBURY, VIC, Australia
It seems to be a slow grower but that said, Melbourne is hardly replicating the Bolivian Amazonian basin climate.
EIDSVOLD, QLD, Australia
I am giving these a go as they normally grow in far north qld. But I do have a number of frost sensitive fruit trees here and they are growing well. Star apples are growing well here as well as other trees related to mangosteen.Last winter was excepti...
Protected from cold through winter, planted in autumn. suspect did not like full sun and harsh summer
Got our first fruit on the Gold Coast from a tree we bought from daleys. The first batch they had for sale.
KLEMZIG, SA, Australia
Slow growing, new growth seems to suffer a bit from the cold and died back on one of the 4 seedlings.One seedling tested in a greenhouse seems prone to either UV burn or fungus, wouldn't recommend placing them inside one.
I was given Achacha seeds in about 1993 they grew well here in Australia & benefited from rich rainforest type ferro & verto soils, the fruit is delicious tangy persistent flesh sticks to the large seed like a lolly.
I have 2 of these both from Daleys, I have eaten the fruit from the markets and found it to be absolutely delicious although there is not a lot of flesh in each fruit.Both trees were fine during their first winter in Sydney. They are now both planted i...
Achacha is said to be the Queen of all fruits, tasting like lemon sherbet. It is a very tropical tree and doesnt tolerate cold too well, so Im not sure how it will go in the subtropical Northern Rivers. It is a cousin of the Mangosteen can tolerate str...
Keperra, QLD, Australia
These fruit are mind-blowing! The tree has quite a nice habit and is supposed to grow well here. I have two advanced seedlings and have grown a number of seedlings myself and all grow/germinate very well in Brisbane.
New Lambton Heights, NSW, Australia
the best tasting fruit i have ever had andthe skins can be made into a very healthy and yummy drink by soaking in water a sugar this is also a hunger suppresent so good for losing weight
Dunbogan, NSW
I started 4 of them from seed of shop bought fruit in 2009. They are SLOW!!! 10cm heigh now, on a balcony in Sydney.. I hope they will soon pick up, when we have moved to Port Macquary.
Strathpine, Qld, Australia
Such an attractive prolific tree and very pleasant fruit. Thick skinned so not a problem with fruit fly.Trouble is you need two and they grow quite tall for a small backyard garden. I could always keep them trimmed to size :)
Mount Samson, QLD
Slow growing at first, but speeds up over time. Provide shade when young. Pigeon pea is a great way to do this.
Eidsvold, QLD
No tip. But I'm going to have a go to grow these inland from Bundaberg.I will be keeping them covered for the first three winters if they survivve the first. Surrounded by Ambarella, Mangos, Chiku,Wampi, Longan and Macadamia nuts. Good soil n water.