Candle nut

(1/4) Candle nut

Candle Nut Fruit Trees being grown in Kyogle NSW in Australia at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

(2/4) Candle Nut Fruit Trees being grown in Kyogle NSW in Australia at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Leaf of the Candle Nut

(3/4) Leaf of the Candle Nut

Candle Nut For Sale

(4/4) Candle Nut For Sale


Candle Nut

Aleurites moluccana
A north Qld native, this large rainforest tree has a spreading crown of large leaves. The brown fruit envelopes the highly nutritious nuts that are delicious roasted. Commonly used in Indonesian dishes, curry pastes and as a meat tenderiser. The nuts s... Read More

$24.00 ($14.90-$29.00 choose a size)

event_busy When will it be in Stock?

We previously had the most to buy in Jan. They are unlikely to be available in Mar and Apr. Remember to click above to get notified when it is available once more.

Specifications of Candle Nut

Preferred Climate Subtropical, TropicalLearn About Climate Zones

Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods

Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) +10m

Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination

Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes

Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)

Fruiting/Harvest Months , February, March

Candle Nut Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

★★★ 11months ago


Lovely shaped leaves, grows fast in my climate, has oily fruits similar to Macadamia.

Helen Bega
12y ago

Denham Court, NSW, Australia

Candle Nut

It really does assist in weight loss. It's one of the most sure fool proof methods of cleansing the system and getting rid of toxins in the body.

Graeme Aitken
12y ago

Towen Mountain, QLD, Australia, Australia

Candle Nut

Our tree is maybe 20y.o.(unsure). It is growing gangbusters due to proximity to septic line. Fruits madly - around 200/day fall - potentially hazardous due to size. Am now harvesting to prevent massive self seeding. Plan to dry for 12 months then cook.

12y ago

Northwood, NSW, Australia, Australia

Candle Nut

I get mine from an Asian supermarket where I can get 200g for less than 3 dollars

Muwanga Daniel
13y ago

Jinja, UGANG

Candle Nut

Candle has become a cash crop for uganda in jinja as one of the part of renwable form of energy. with full richness of oil , it can be used to produce bio dissel

Dale Thompson
13y ago

Pullenvale, QLD, Australia

Candle Nut

Pullenvale QLD - have three in garden, find moderate growth. No real pests. Three years and no fruit yet.

Kylea Lee
13y ago

Thornton, NSW

Candle Nut

I have also had great results taking a small amount in boiling water each night and would like to get more, any suggestions where to purchase them from??

John S Hopkins
13y ago

Melbourne, VICTORIA

Candle Nut

I have taken a small amout of seed in boiling water and the weight loss was effective. where can I get some more?

14y ago

Mill Park, VIC

Candle Nut

In Indonesia, beside for cooking, candle nuts is known for it's benefit to grow hair. I've been looking for the nuts in Melbourne.

14y ago

Seven Hills, NSW

Candle Nut

Candle nuts are used as a thickener in curries raher than for flavour. You can always use almonds instead if not a culinary purist, but my folks always insist on buying some when they come to stay!

Kiki Zee
15y ago

Camarillo, CALIF

Candle Nut

I have been taking a amall amount of the nut everyday and it is working to loss weight.I am lossing it very slow and it works. I am fearful that more studies need to be done to see if it is harmful or not. All I know is it is working

15y ago

Brisbane, QLD

Candle Nut

It is said to be the best weight loss plant in the World, which i dont know if I believe. A couple is selling the seeds for $100 for a bottle. They claim to boil the seed and drink the water. No long term studies to prove it.

Ed Pasaribu
15y ago

Melbourne, VIC

Candle Nut

I sprinkle them around my ome to keep evil spirits away.

Juliee Edge
15y ago

Mackay, QLD

Candle Nut

It can be used to make candles and soaps, they can be eaten roasted, they are very oily also they can be a nasty laxitive( dont try it)


★★★★ 15y ago

EULEILAH, QLD, Australia

Flowering Oct09- Was surprised to see how hardy this tree is.  1. photo taken Jan07

17y ago

Beechmont, QLD, Australia

Candle Nut

Candle nut is becoming a bit of a weed in S/E QLD and think twice about planting out its range as it is a fast growing agressive self seeeder. I have pulled the one up that I planted in the Rainforest re-vegetation area on my property because of this.

Julian Galton-fenzi
19y ago

Kampala, UGAND

Candle Nut

It can be distilled, twice, to make bio-diesel

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