Babaco Fruit

(1/12) Babaco Fruit

babaco fruit

(2/12) babaco fruit

Babaco in Daleys Mini Exclusion Orchard

(3/12) Babaco in Daleys Mini Exclusion Orchard

Ripe babaco ready to cut open and eat being held in the hand for size contrast

(4/12) Ripe babaco ready to cut open and eat being held in the hand for size contrast

Ripening Babaco Plant in Daleys Fruit Tree Nurseries exclusion orchard

(5/12) Ripening Babaco Plant in Daleys Fruit Tree Nurseries exclusion orchard

Babaco on tree

(6/12) Babaco on tree

Babaco fruitlet still with calyx attached

(7/12) Babaco fruitlet still with calyx attached

Grafted vs Cutting Babaco in Cold Climates

(8/12) Grafted vs Cutting Babaco in Cold Climates

Youtube Shorts: Babaco Fruit Trees

(9/12) Youtube Shorts: Babaco Fruit Trees

Leaf of the Babaco

(10/12) Leaf of the Babaco

Babaco Cutting For Sale (Size: Large)  (Cutting Grown)

(11/12) Babaco Cutting For Sale (Size: Large) (Cutting Grown)

Babaco Cutting For Sale

(12/12) Babaco Cutting For Sale


Babaco Cutting

Carica pentagona
An attractive torpedo shaped fruit with effervescent flesh. The texture of the golden fruit is light and refreshing. The slightly acid flavour has a hint of strawberry, pineapple and pawpaw and can be made into a tasty thirst quenching drink.... Read More

$59.00 ($39.00-$79.00 choose a size)

event_busy When will it be in Stock?

We previously had the most to buy in Nov and Feb. With limited quantities for sale in other months. They are unlikely to be available in May and Jun. Special Note: This plant is in the top 25% of plants customers are wanting to know about. It is very unlikely that you will be able to purchase this plant unless you click above to be notified when it is in stock again. Please expect a delay on this item as we notify those who have waited the longest .

Specifications of Babaco Cutting

Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm TemperateLearn About Climate Zones

Grown From CuttingLearn About Propagation Methods

Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m

Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination

Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes

Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)

Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA

Water Requirements Moderate Watering

Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m

Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 2-3 Years

Sun or Shade Part (Sun:50-80%)

Preferred Soil Type Perfect Drainage (Sand/Volcanic)

Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)

Fruiting/Harvest Months February, March, April, May, June, October, November, December

Fertiliser All Purpose, Compost, Seaweed

Plant Width 1-2m

Growth Rate Medium

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These plants are often purchased together. Also check plant information for suitability in your orchard.

Rollinia - Brazilian Custard Apple

$29.00 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

A relative of the cherimoya this plant has its origins in tropical America. The fruit about 100mm in diameter has a creamy juicy and delicious flesh, according to some tasting like lemon meringue pie. Fruits within 4 years from seed. Seed selected from extremely sweet and flavoursome fruit with firm white flesh and few seeds.The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back

Black Sapote - Colossal


Seedling selection from Kyogle, very large fruit and self pollinating. Seedless when not pollinated. Closely related to the Persimmon this attractive glossy foliaged tree produces a fruit often called the 'Chocolate Pudding Fruit'. Delicious when eaten as a desert with cream and a touch of Rum or vanilla.

Mango - Alphonso


Yellow skinned, medium size, only slight fibre, excellent quality. Sets well in subtropics. It is a favourite of India where it is the most desired of all the mangoes. So although not a huge mango the quality and taste is what makes it famous.

Blueberry - Kisses (PBR)

$34.95 ($34.95-$99.00 choose a size)

Characterized by it enormous fruit size and naturally dwarfing habit, this self pollinating Blueberry is perfect for planting with the Blueberry Burst to extend the fruiting season. Low chill variety flowering and fruiting over a 4 to 6 month period with exceptionally high yield. Trialled successfully in both hot and cold climates in Australia. Protected by Plant Breeders Right (PBR)Developed by Plantnet.

Mulberry - White Shahtoot

$129.00 ($24.00-$129.00 choose a size)

Large, sweet fruit can reach up to 10cm in length. Delicious eaten fresh but can also be sundried and eaten as a sweet. Medium sized, spreading tree with a weeping habit, excellent shade tree. Birds love them too so make sure you cover them if you don't want to share. You can also get multiple crops by pruning immediately after your first crop.

Mango - Nam doc mai

$54.00 ($54.00-$69.00 choose a size)

Thai-type mango with green-yellow skin, sweet, tender and juicy with an excellent flavour. Regular cropper in cooler climates.It is elongated and tapers to a long point. They contain little acid and are fibreless. Susceptible to Anthracnose, resistant to Black Spot. Size 375gms. It is esteemed by Asian cultures as a pickled fruit, or as one eaten green or ripe.

Babaco Cutting Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

★★★★★ 1y ago


Babaco Cutting

Love the taste of the Babaco fruit

★★★★★ 3y ago

Canberra, ACT, Australia

Babaco Cutting

Got a potted babaco a year ago , now has about 20-30 fruits on it , none of which is ripe so far but i am waiting for yellowing to start. leaves fell during winter but little new ones are sprouting from the growing tip now that spring has arrived

Narelle Smith
5y ago

Mount Riverview, NSW, Australia

Babaco Cutting

Tough little plant with interesting fruit. Mine is in a pot and it grows one fruit every 3 years. It just keeps chugging along.





★★★★ 6y ago


I have gotten a few fruit off it now. Even in the pot it looks huge and is holding it's fruit quite well. During the winter it was carrying about 3 fruit but they didn't really ripen like they did during summer.I personally love the taste it is great....

Grant Bates
10y ago

Moonee Ponds, VIC, Australia


Bought 1 plant 3 months ago from Daleys. It is now 4 times the size and has fruit growing at every node. Very hungry plant, I give it a handful of chicken manure fortnightly and water it in immediately. Also apply urine daily and water it in immediately


★★★★★ 10y ago


Very fast growing, does not need a lot of sun. Not a big fan of the fruit taste on the first 2 I tried which dropped off on their own, lets hope the rest are better once ripe.Either way it is not taking up space in a prime position so for now it can st...


★★★ 10y ago

COBURG, VIC, Australia

Did very poorly in a pot.  Have now transplanted into the ground and have protected with Hessian.  Doing much better now.UPDATE 2014: Fruited well for a couple of years, then died. Tried to grow from cutting but no luck.

Carmen Perez
11y ago

North Dandenong, Melbourne, Austral, VIC


Caricia pentagona

★★★★★ 12y ago

South Coogee, NSW, Australia

The fruit is delicious but flesh is very delicate so it has limited shop shelf life. You could buy this in NZ fruit stores but I haven't seen it in Sydney. I purchased a seedling from Daley's & it's been easy to grow, fruited every year. I water daily ...


★★★★★ 12y ago

Newtown, NSW, Australia

Extremely easy to grow in areas too cold to grow pawpaws

12y ago

Village Anji Nasal,solan,himachal, INDIA


This fruit appears to be just like indian papaya but with dome difference having no seeds/less seeds

Sharon Orr
12y ago

Upwey, VIC, Australia


Mine Nth facing, sheltered. 5 yrs old (grafted). Over 80 fruit (1kg ea) this yr. Fertilise in Spring with 25 Ltr chook manure, blood/bone, compost, sulfate of potash. Lovely oven-baked no lid with br.sugar, vanilla & water 200C 1.5 hr (turn 1/2 time).

13y ago

Glen Iris, VIC, Australia


Planted mine about 4 years ago. Now quite tall and lots of fruit, at least 15 this season so far. Fruit is great for juice (mixed with other juice) or sorbet or granita. Have my first successful strike from cutting and the main tree has a baby also.

Alan Korn
13y ago

Oceanside, CA


I planted 16 cuttings two years ago and 85% sprouted, but I watered them too much and root rot killed some. Now have 8 plants left, plants are 5 feet tall. Biggest one has 5 very large dark green fruits on it, rest have 1 each.

★★★★★ 13y ago

Cheltenham, VIC, Australia

Fast growing and fruiting. The tree is an amazing sight when loaded with fruit.

★★★ 13y ago

Athelstone, SA, Australia


13y ago

Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia

Died does not go well on hard clay...


★★★ 13y ago

Strathpine, Qld, Australia

Highly recommended for our Brisbane region. Managed to obtain some cuttings (for myself and gardening friends). Have tried one fruit and liked it very much - nothing like pawpaw to which it is related. Sort of sorbet-y and bitter/sweet juicy. Likes dry...


★★★★ 14y ago


24/5/13 got so much fruit and but i hated the taste and everyone i gave it to hated the taste i cut it down. bummerGrowing very well in my new horse poo based garden been in for about 3 months and is getting flower buds already

★★★★★ 14y ago


had these in NZ..wanted to try in Bundy

★★★★★ 14y ago

Miranda, NSW, Australia

Love the taste - and have all the other fruits I need

★★★★ 14y ago

Mornington, Vic, Australia

I love Paw Paw and I thought this was similar so I agreed to look after a young plant my son gave me when he moved overseas. Had in pot for 12 months and in July 2008 planted in my garden. I don't have a green thumb & had to Google regularly to learn a...

★★★ 14y ago


Carica pentagona.  Was 2.5m high but now is only .75m because the branches have broken under the weight of the fruit.  Needs supporting at all times.

Greg Brown
15y ago



I planted one last October and have havested approx 20 peices of fruit so far this year since September. Largest being 1.8Kg. I was amazed at how quickly it set fruit. Within 8 weeks of planting from a small established cutting. I live in the JB area.


★★★ 15y ago


so far so good. No fruit yet but currently flowering and looks like the start of some fruit set (2/9/2009) 


★★★★ 15y ago

WALLARAH, NSW, Australia

Two beauties are still in the hothouse, complete with slow combustion fireplace that keeps them nice and warm overnight. Minimum 22deg C not that it is needed. I've heard of them surviving snow and comming back as strong as ever. Another two are in Hyd...

★★★★★ 15y ago

Kingsford, NSW, Australia

Bought: 2008This is a vey worthwile plant to grow, mine has been in the ground for one year and started bearing fruit almost immediately. Fruit are sour and best eaten cut in half and covered with a sprinkle of sugar (overnight). Or made into fruit pur...



★★★★ 15y ago

Unanderra, NSW, Australia

Ive grown a number of these and most have died from root-rot.  I have one growing in a pot and one in the ground which are doing well.

Ella Hayes
16y ago

Cheltenham, VIC


My plant is 2yrs old and now with friut. Tollerates cold weather,fine for Tassie. Plant near wall or fence and protect against wind. I have 15 fruits and more on the way. Great health food.I found plant likes garden more than pot. Good health Ella.

Banda Grey
16y ago

Castlemaine, VIC, Australia


I have a real one at last and it dropped a few leave but is recovering well, i yhink everyone should have at least 5 of their own!

Anthony Linden Jones
16y ago

Kurrajong, NSW, Australia


Complete dieback in Winter after a particularly heavy 3 days of frost, but recovered in Spring. The tree now has a dozen maturing fruit after one Summer.

Anthony Miceli
17y ago

Mornington, VIC, Australia


Grows well here, great crop fantastic fruit, though not ripe till following Summer. Lost leaves in Winter but recovered. Grafted plant died as rootstock not as cold tolerant as scion, cuttings OK.

Andrew Jones
17y ago

Adelaide, SA, Australia


Do not water cuttings unless soil completely dry- high incidence of rot - mature plant much more water tolerant, fruits heavily and continuously, minor leaf damage and drop at 1-3 degrees but quick recovery a great plant

Lindsay Sutherland
17y ago

Nunawading, Melbourne, VIC, Australia


Babaco's grow readily from stem cuttings. Mine fruit Dec-Feb. Northern aspect is preferable in this climate. Young plants can be eaten by snails. They need lots of water in first summer, but after that are surprisingly drought tolerant.

Joyce Crouchley
17y ago

Boya, WA, Australia, Australia


THE pawpaw type fruit for Perth WA! Grow staked as large potplant out of wind in well drained moist mix, north facing verandah ideal. Cut back after fruiting, plant tip easily grows as cutting, ripen 20cm pieces before trying as cuttings. Mulch with cow p

Ron Briggs
18y ago

Grafton, NSW, Australia


I grow mine in a large pot with very good drainage mix of river sand cow manure and loam I have found wet feet causes root rot very quickly I freeze the ripe fruit and make a deicious drink blending the fruit with lemonade

Allan Hiscock
18y ago

Ivanhoe, VIC, Australia


This will be my second year from planting & just about to pick fruit

Tay Brownlie
18y ago

Milton, NSW, Australia


Protect from strong winds and have good drainage, when plant gets too tall cut branches on an angle and strike some cuttings. Fruit is fantastic dried as well as eaten with ice cream fantastic straight from the fridge on a hot day.

David White
19y ago

Newcastle, NSW, Australia


Stake well as it's shallow rooted and can topple over in strong wind. Keep moist but must have good drainage. Prone to root rot in gluggy, sour soil. Feed regularly with well rotted chicked poo.

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