Mango - Bowen Seedling
Mangifera indica$27.00 ($17.75-$49.00 choose a size)
Specifications of Mango - Bowen Seedling
Preferred Climate Tropical, SubtropicalLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) +10m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 4-5 Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)
Fruiting/Harvest Months February, March
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Customer Tips & Reviews Mango - Bowen Seedling
Mango - Bowen
Can't wait to get fruit from this mango. It never looked backed, growing well.
BURWOOD, VIC, Australia
Mangoes are one of my favourite fruits. Love tropical plants and growing them in Melbourne is a challenge but also quite rewarding when it's successful.I had blossoms and tiny fruits on my mango tree in the second and third year but all the fruits fell...
Mango - Bowen Seedling
Keep small by trimming it twice a year. First cut at knee height after 6 months in the ground and now I have a balanced and branches tree. Doesn't seem to need any ferterliser for strong growth.
JINDALEE, QLD, Australia
Vigorous and shady, produces mangos which we finally beat the flying foxes to this year--and harvested fifty kilos of deliciousness!
SAFETY BAY, WA, Australia
Slow! very few fruit and they are small & drop off before ripe
I Love mangoes. Growing well in Melbourne.UpdateJan17- Very easy to grow, doesn't need much fertiliser or water growing well now during the summer but I did have to cut it back a little bit after winter.
Trying to grow one here in Melbourne. Received an 18 month old seedling in a 70mm grow-tube during the winter this year and has been repotted into a 300mm pot. I took it indoors at night as it was quite cold. Its begining to push some new gowth as ...
Kensington, NSW, Australia
It's good, very tasty fruit but it's a fight with the birds
Love mangos, hopefully we can get some fruit in Sydney. I cut the main growth tip off very low to the ground once I put it in the ground to promote branches. One week later it started growing branches which I will also tip prune when they get a bit lon...
Bella Vista, NSW
I really love mangoes. I am looking forward to taste the fruit of this Bowen Mango. Maybe next year.
FLETCHER, NSW, Australia
1 meter tall Growingwell Newcastle AreaClay soil mulchedraised with good topsoil north facing daily watering
I think it is a Bowen. Bought from Bunnings 3 years ago in pot. Since then I have transplanted into a bigger pot. It is thriving. It is in a sheltered area. Has survived 2 cold winters. This year is currently producing flowers. Currently pr...
I decided to go a Bowen mango to add to our other 7 large fruiting mangoes. They go so well here with spectacular fruiting so why not go with a Bowen as well. It is planted on a slight slope on dripper retic. However the other mature trees rely totall...
Very tasty fruit, but fruit set depends very much on the weather being right at flowering time, so some years get very little fruit. In 2017 got a huge crop due to the combination of dry weather at flowering time and good rain after fruit set. But in s...
Greenbank, Qld, Australia
love the fruit as do the kids! Its growing well with a handful of mixed fetiliser giving it a boost this summer. I am surprised it hasnt died from waterlogging with all this rain we have had the soil around it is mud!
Now that the dog has gone I have been able to plant my trees. The yard is large so I wanted to fill it in with fruit trees and I have 2 Bowen Mangos I purchased at the start of this year they were grafted and are growing at a rate of knots with this ra...
Kelso, Qld, Australia
I love Bowens - who doesn't? I planted the first mango in our orchard in September - and it has grown 2ft since then. We live on deep clay - so have put it (like all the fruit tree planted here in the last few months) on a raised mound. Planted ...
Marburg, QLD, Australia
Flowering now, fruit are small but delicious. old tree with dense crown.
Holsworthy, NSW, Australia
Has some growth in summer. Some frost damage on the top 2 layers of leaves. Waiting for spring growth. Extensive frost damage again this winter, All leaves are dead. I have left them on the plant. Hoping it is not dead and will sprout again
Gladesville, NSW, Australia
big, tasty fruit, we had for 2 years but it was there when we moved in this place, more than 6years old and 3m tall.
Aberglasslyn, nsw, Australia
Although it has not fruited being in now for two years it has grown into a nice looking plant, we hope it won't be to long before it does bear fruit.
It's easy to grow, gives good tasting large fruit, needs little care and fertiller.
Gatton., QLD.
Mango - Bowen
Bowen.can be grown from seed.mine is 5 yrs.spoil it? yes.fertilise monthly.1 handfull.water weekly.if no resemble a bullock heart.this year 20 + fruit.all good size to giants.
This tree is much too big for my garden, and needs constant cutting back. May try to lop it or top work other varieties. Received it as a gift, rescued pot bound from a local nursery. Have grafted two Nam Doc Mai to one limb with success. Only frui...
Bayswater, WA, Australia
I'm a huge mango fan and I find it fascinating the way these fruits grow.
Kanwal, NSW, Australia
This tree was a grafted tree, but a hot summer killed the tree back to the graft.
Goodna, QLD, Australia
grew from seed 20 years ago but it was damaged when sewer line had to be repaired. now neightbours trees placed it in shade. Fruit is delicious. last year all but one were stripped from the tree by a hail storm. The crows beat me to the survivor.
Como, NSW, Australia
At one stage possums had literally stripped the mango tree bare and we thought we had lost it, but with seasol and a lot of love it has come back better than ever. The tree was already on the block when we purchased it. Some years we get hundreds o...
Mango - Bowen
Bowen mango seedling, fruiting in the Blue MTS ,Springwood ,v.tasty , but a little small 9 fruit.
No clue why it died, just never pushed new growth. New growth coming out from top of tree just browned.